Eventho it's MOSS consolidation which is supposed to be less busy, it was a busy one for me.... :(
Had GP appointment on Monday after lectures.. Had to rush back from lectures to the surgery.. Dah la jalan terhencut2.... I seriously think my posture is bad... I'm putting pressure on one side of my body...
Then, after sleepless nights, I finally got to sleep for at least 5 hours by Tuesday... and it's getting better alhamdulillah.. Still painful but painkillers are helping..
And Tuesday, I did all the notes printing and had to rush to Tesco tu buy some more printing papers.. They ran out as well so I had to go to Staples... :(
And after that, I rushed to Julian Hodge to get my laptop registered with Cardiff Uni and install a eduroam for Swansea internet... And stayed there for like 3 hours and it didn't work... :( So, they suggested that I send it to the techinician the next day...
Eventho ada lectures kul 9, I rushed to Julian Hodge at 8.30 am.. drop my laptop and walked for luke 4o mins to the heath for lectures... Yes, I was late...
And after lectures, I walked all the way to Julian Hodge only to find out that she couldn't fix the problem and asked me to reformat it instead... WHAT ??? Agak geram , stress and sedih.. mmg menitis air mata gak because I was so tired... and then went to students union to sign the house contract..
And walked home.. Rang Kabi.. he came to the rescue.. He reformated my laptop and ect... and then that night Sanam invited us out for dinner.. to celebrate her birthday.. mmg malas gle nak pegi, but I did in the end...
Thursday and Friday, we had full days of neuro and care of the elderly lectures... And after lectures on Friday, I rushed back to Julian Hodge to reregister my laptop.. And still it didn't work.. this time around they said it's because they have some problem with the connection...
So, I rushed back there this morning to do it and same problem.. Their internet is still bad... :(
Mmg nak nangis air mata darah dah.. heh... so, now I will just have to take the risk.. Go to swansea and just hope that it will work there or I can try and get somebody to fix it there...
Now I have to pack my life into suitcases for Swansea.. and since exam is coming, I have to bring quite a lot of stuffs for revision as well.. STRESS !!!!!!!!
Nina texted me on thursday asking me to go out with her.. and i didnt because I was so tired... And since I'm not on Fb, i missed out the news.. she's now engaged... :))))
So, rugi la tak gi jumpa dia on Thursday because she wanted us to be the first to know.. heh.. but, i missed out the fun.. owh well.. The only time i'm not on fb, is when something big happened !!!