Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Haaahhhhchooooo ~

Presenting complaint - Sneezing and running nose...

That's me... Got upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) sine last Thursday.. And apparently people said that you will definitely catch one when you are doing respiratory rotation.. And I've got my dose already..

So skang ni asyik blocked nose or bersin je.. and I know I shouldnt be going to CF unit ble tak sihat because they are immunocompromised patients.. Luckily didnt have any symptoms when I'm at CF unit... Cool huh ?? and time teaching la asyik nak bersin je....

I think I have rhinitis... Sbb salu bersin awal pagi and mlm... And I should tell that to my GP sbb its related to Asthma... Oh well.....

Dah start ngarut... Exam is coming really soon... we have about a month and a bit to revise... And I'm freaking out already....

Ok.. have to go now... Cause tomorrow morning I have a consultant teaching.... And I'm planning to present a history that I took yesterday to him... And I have to revise respiratory examination again before doing it tomorrow.... And the list continues.....

p/s : Hopefully it wont rain at 4 because I really2 wanna go jogging today... Bute park here i come !!!!

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