It's James Morrison's song.. And it's my favourite song at the moment....
And as usual... Jen will come and sit in my room for ours and we just had random conversation... She asked me to play some music... As usual.... Because we usually have music on while having conversation...
Since we are already sick of GLEE songs... not we... Me.... So, I decided to put another playlist on... And Jen being Jen.. She'll say SKIP to the songs that she doesnt like...
And after skipping a few songs, I just said to her...
H : My laptop is stuck.. Can't skip anymore... (Was lying actually)
And guess which song came out... It's Broken Strings by James Morrison.. Jen doesnt particularly likes this song... So, she started laughing and threw all my pillows and soft toys to me.. I was like.. It's stuck !!! Haha....
But then... Didnt want to see her dying slowly so I changed the song..
Anyways... Jen did her respiratory in Llandough last year.. And since she's at the bottom of the list as well, so, she got the CF team... And we just couldnt stop talking about our team...
Who wants to miss placement when you got a "kacak, muda (34) dan bergaya" consultant... Purposely did that in Malay.. in case ade yg terbaca... Motivation untuk g placement !!!!
Ok.. need to get back to my respiratory revision as there's somebody that I need to impress... Muahahaha.. (Gelak evil)...
Gatai la...
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