This is a 3 way conversation between me, Mama (phone) and Angah (MSN)... Tapi tak la bulat2...
Niyah : Niyah pi London Jumaat ni..
Mama : Ooo.. Ijah ada barang nak pesan...
Niyah : Apa ??
Mama : Beg longchamp nak buat handluggage.. Yang besaq sket la...
Niyah : La.. yang tu tunggu nak balik summer la baru beli kat Heathrow..
Mama : Tak tau la.. Tanya la dia... Dia bagi duit nanti...
Niyah : Colour apa nak ??
Mama : Brown.. Matching nak beg mama... Tanya la ijah..
Niyah : Satu ja ka ?
Mama : Share je la..
Niyah : Angah.. niyah pi london... nak pesan apa ?
Angah : Blouse...
Niyah : Mama kata angah nak pesan beg...
Angah : Hahaha... Mama yang nak !! Tp, aku bayaq....
Niyah : Ceh.. colour apa ?
Angah : Purple.. deep purple...
Niyah : Mama kata nak brown..
Angah : Tak mau la brown.. boring...
Niyah : Apa size baju angah kalo TM Lewin ??
And the conversation continues about blouses... and sizes... and link to tm lewin nye website...
Apakah ?? Org tgh stress, depa ckp pasai shopping pulak....
But... One good thing about talking to people at home is that it's always like breathing fresh air... No matter how serabut my life is, lepas tu akan rasa ok... Walaupun kejap je ok tu....
We are now in our lecture weeks... 2 weeks.. and I'm struggling to do this one stupid coursework... And stress.... and terus emo la... Ape lagi....
After this ade 8 weeks of CVR block... 4 weeks kat Llandough Hosp and another 4 kat UHW.... And after that EXAM !!! Waaaa
And.. 3rd year abis officially on 23rd July... Tp, SSC submit 9th July.. So, bleh kot balik after 9th... And 4th year start 31st Aug.. Basically kena balik Cardiff by 30th.... Hurm... How depressing is that huh ??? Let's start hunting for flight ticketsss babeh....