Thursday 30 April 2009

What do I bring to placement ?

Salam wbt..

Td pagi mcm tersiap awal... sebab bgn awal.. so, bosan2 amik gmbr benda2 dlm bag....
gedik kan ??? biar la... sekali sekala...
My bag.. heee :)

My ID... Em... wajib ~ Ade org kena 'halau' balik amik ID sebab lupa..

Kunci locker... Letak belakang ID so that tak hilang... heee.... 10 pounds ok !!

My FCS booklet.. See the name ?? My new name for 2 weeks.. EMMA... Coz the undergrade office salah list and so, sume org dpt booklet org lain... :P

My notebook... And other booklets..

Buku ni baca kalo F1 bg homework or abaikan sbb diaorg bz.. heeeee.. But mmg ade homework pun utk comm skills minggu depan2...

White coat..

Stethoscope.. Tak de la bawak ngan kotak... tp, kotak tu ade atas meja.. so, amik skali... Em.. gune ke tak ?? Lucky me.. Ktorg nye FCS byk guna jugak sbb F1 tu mcm rajin nak ajar2... plus, ble ade masa free ktorg buat exam on each other... so, cool jugak la...

My lunch... heee... tak sedap sgt pun.. tp, tu la yg mampu buat pagi2.. sandwich... banana... oranges and apple... Bajet sihat !!

Tu je la... Byk org kata heath sgt2 boring... I agree with that la... but kdg2 best jugak sbb leh balik awal.. tak yah susah2 tunggu bas...

But... what i learned is that, best ke tak bukan sbb hosp... tp, sebab kte sndiri and F1 yang kte dpt... and we have to try our best nak bg best... Fran siap terlebih proactive smpai g tanya nurses ade ape2 tak dia leh wat... heeeeee... The F1 yg ktorg dpt tu sgt2 semangat nak ajar.. But her fren, mcm sgt2 ntah ape2.. ade la one day my F1 ni on call... so, her fren mcm ajar la ktorg on exams sume... but lepas2 tu kalo ktorg terabai, dia lari dr ktorg... haha.. penat td ktorg kejar.... hadoi... But, ktorg sempat bergosip ngan nurses plus other docs on this particular F1... sbb dia mcm ntah ape2... hahaha.... (Junior doctors... tak leh cr pasal ngan nurses... coz they will make ur life difficult... )

so, sape2 yang lepas ni dah jd doctor, jgn sombong kat students eh !!!!

K ah.. need to do some washing and packing.. coz esok nak g LONDON !!!! Harap2 esok abis awal...

tada ~

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