Sunday 26 April 2009

Placement ~

Tgk tajuk pun dah tau nak ckp pasal ape...

But before that, nak cte sket... semlm kuar g Sambutan Maulidur Rasul kat Darul Isra.. best !!! Then, Mia n Wina kata nak g Bridgend after that... Tp tgk2 abis dlm kul 2... takan nak g bridgend... dlm lmbt kot time tu... so, decide pegi town je... jln2 la kat town ngan kak su, wina n mia... dah lama tak jln ngan mia sejak tak dok skali... BEST !!!!

So, mia n wina shopping brg2 utk placement... Me ?? I bought nothing... like seriously... satu hape pun tak beli kecuali air kat boots and klinder bueno kat poundland.. cr gak choc bunny... tak de pun... huhu...

Mia tanya : Yah betul ke tak nak shopping ape2 ni ??

Haha.... tak de la tak nak shopping... nak je... tp tak rasa nak shopping... sebabnye, nak g london minggu depan !!! Then nak g portsmouth ngan angah... so, leh shopping time tu... Coz i know i will be spending a lot next week !! heeeee.... Angah, sunday tu kte g liverpool street nak ??

Ish dah tekeluar topic.... placement stat esok...

So... 27 April - 8 May - Foundation Clinical Skills - Heath Hosp Cardiff
11 May - 15 May - SSC block 4, comm skills and diversity workshop
18 May - 22 May - Nursing - Singleton Hosp, Swansea

First of all.. kecewa sbb tak knal sape2 pun dlm my group.. then baru tau kate accomodation kat swansea nanti skali ngan bdk2 moristion gak sbb hall ade kat singleton je... So, ade la mia n kira time tu skali... cuma hosp lain2 la... Tp, tak pe.. survive je.. tak knal org pun survive je...

And yes... for FCS, kat heath.. ni pun tak de org yg dikenali dlm group.. tp, bagusnye sbb tak payah bgn awal2 pagi pegi biosi amik bus utk g hosp sbb heath ni within walking distance... 15 mins from rumah.. kalo org yg g hosp lain, kena g amik bus la.. drive la.. but not me.. and dok hosp dekat ni bestnye kalo abis awal leh terus balik... tak yah tunggu bas... yeay !!!!!

So, itulah jadual ku for the next 4 weeks.. result insyaAllah kuar 22 may.. hadoi... time tu kat swansea... huhu... berdoa je la.. org lain akan tau my result dulu... waaaaaaa

p/s : at the moment tgh home alone... megan balik rumah, jen g pre clinical ball semlm (Ball utk bdk2 1st n 2nd year med) And dia tak blk semlm.. dia msg kul 3 pagi kata dia g tdo rumah org lain sbb malas nak balik.. owh yes.. here i am.. all alone in the house...

k ah.... nak sambung tgk movie.. Kati bagi pinjam dvds byk gle2....

p/s :To Angah, my best fren g tgk Dancing on Ice nye tour kat birm... Lizzie nama dia... Jeles gila.. dia kata it was between Ray n Jes.. but ray won.. heeeee

-niyah yang best-

1 comment:

redhuans said...

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