Sunday 26 April 2009

Paper B.. Friday 24th April

Salam wbt...

My last paper was on 24th April.... Hurm.. This time around kat recreation hall, heath park... Tp, bukan 27 org je... Tp, ade 78... heeee.... but I like the 27 people in a hall better... sgt2... ble ramai org, lg stress and lagi panic... hehe... Lepas smpai kat venue, check la seat num... tak susah nak cr nama.. bawah skali... and yes, num last... 78...

Pastu, ble masuk hall, pegi la cr seat.... Masuk2 je nmpk num 78 dekat depan skali, dekat ngan pintu... oh my.... And then, rupa2nya.... i'm the onlu candidate dekat row tu.... oh my... lagi la... Dok sebelah nick... lagi... halfway tru the exam, org asyik kuar nak g toilet la... balik awal la.... hadoi... malangnye dok sebelah pintu.... waaaaa

Since paper A and B, ade je org kuar awal.. maybe sbb dia dah abis atau dia tak tau... mia kata dekat hall dia tak de org kuar pun.... hehehe.... owh well... tak kre la plak bape org kuar... tp, yg pasti mereka2 itu kuar melalui pintu di hadapanku.... huhuhu....

How was the paper ?? So so.... Biasa je la.... no comment.. sbb paper neuro kan... tp, tak de la byk sgt soklan psychology mcm senior2 kena dulu.... byk jugak soklan public health.. nasib baik bincang time irp pasal public health baik punya.... hehehe....

So, now.. bertawakal je la kat Allah... berdoa je bagi examiner tu lembut hati... insyaAllah, kalo ade rezeki, we'll pass... Ameen...

So, no more exams !!!!

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