Wednesday 29 April 2009

A visit to the DENTIST ~

My placement finished quite early today.. So, I came back for lunch since I promised one of my housemates to accompany her to the dentist... Well, tak sebut nama but can easily guess la.. 1 out of 2 je pun prob...

Mula2 plan nak jumpa je kat dental hosp after abis placement, tp.. tgk2 abis awal coz the F1 was busy.. She changed her team so, we were left with her friend... Took a history then we decided to be a bit proactive by revising on respiratory exam on each other and bp.. Yes !! I did it.. dpt amik bp fran !! Yeay !! hahaha... Jenuh cari satu ward utk manual nye bp sbb sume guna digital skang....

So, after lunch, we walked to the dental hosp... And then, my housemate ni jenis yg tak suka g dentist so, time nak masuk tu, dia mntk temankan... So, masuk la skali.. And the dentist or SHO tu mcm tanya kat niyah "Are u a dental student ?? " I was like... em.... nope... haha.... then he keeps on saying yg dia byk kali nmpk niyah kat situ... nope... i'm not... maybe ade org muka sama kot.. Owh well.. we did say that we are med students.. maybe salu la nmpk kat heath..

Owh yes... her case was quite confusing.. smpai 4 dentists masuk dlm bilik and check... and x-ray and everything... huhu.. and penuh bilik tu with 4 dentists... and they started asking us questions on head and neck anatomy... ERRRRRRRR....

I dont have any prob dgn dentist but mmg byk org lagi takut dentist dr doctors... dekat hosp td pun mmg mcm org lagi takut dentists... dont know why !! hehe...

k ah.. nak tgk dancing on ice tour nye dvd !! yeay !!

Happy wednesday ~

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