Salam wbt...
I was planning to write after the exam... but couldn't resist it.... It's 10.30 pm... 10 hours after Paper A finished.. I would say the paper was TOUGH !! Like sgt2... But, insyaAllah, kalo ade rezeki, akan pass.. I think to some extent, I have done enough to pass... But, kalo Allah tak nak bagi, tak dpt jugak kan ??
So yeah.. Last week was study sendiri punye week... Sgt2 penat and stress... Bgn Subuh dlm kul 5 lebih, then stat belek2 notes... I would say my life mmg belek notes, makan, mandi, semayang, tdo and bgn belek notes balik... Masak pun kurang.. Nasib baik dah prepare byk before this and simpan dlm freezer... Kuar rumah pun untuk pegi beli roti and susu... Rumah mmg tak tercuci sgt.. Buat ape yang patut je.. Tak sabar nak abis exam.. nak cuci bilik.. kemas2 ape yang patut and mcm2 lagi...
Jen dgn hidup dia.. Dining room tu dah jadi study room dia.. penuh dinding dia tampal ngan notes.. Kena amik gambar la... Esok la amik... Ktorg ni time exam, nama je dok serumah.. Tp, jumpa kdg2.. sebab time dia tdo, niyah study.... time dia study niyah tdo... And, ble tgk dia pulun tahap gaban sampai tdo kul 5 pg, rasa mcm stress gak kdg2.. Then Megan came back on Sunday.. and she said smthng like, I'm doing DGR for the 4th time.. I was like WHAT ??? But, tu la disadvantage duk dgn bdk2 rajin and pandai... huhu....
And td pagi exam kat Temple of peace... Guess what ?? 27 org je exam kat hall tu... medics yang lain dekat city hall.. sbb ktorg exam bukan time exam yg biasa, so byk venues tak free.. So, kena guna 2 halls... Best gak dok dlm bilik kecik... hehe.. sbb org2 dlm tu mmg yg dah rapat... as usual.. i'm the last candidate la.. sebab surname starts with Z.. so, utk paper 2 nanti pun, ktorg kat hall lain... tp, maybe lebih dr 27 org... maybe 40 ? so.. yeah... my seat was behind the best student nye seat... dlm hati mmg rasa, abisla examiner tu kalo dia mark paper budak tu dulu then mine coz he'll fine that my answers sgt2 truk... but, Tawakal je la..
So, talking about the papers.... ade panel DGR (pasal pregnancy, babies) CVR (jantung) MDTA and I&I..(ni mcm2.. ade pharmaco, wound healing, cancers, haematology, immunity... agak byk and heavy la)... So, usually, i'm not the kind yang hafal sgt tau.. salu nye baca ulang2 sbb nak faham gle2 ape isi lectures tu.. Tapi malangnye dlm this particular paper, dia byk tanya details or facts yang memang u know or not je... mmg nak menjerit dlm hall tu... like 30+ questions on nama bacteria/virus saje... mcm2 infection la dia nak bagi.. pasal pre natal infection la.. ape la.. ngada gle.. then nama2 antibiotics, drugs... hadoi... tak cukup dgn tu, tanya pasal local anaesthetic in that papers... Salah panel la cikgu... tu patut untuk paper B.. nasib baik ade terbaca sebelum ni....
Then, utk DGR, i was separuh mati nak fahamkan gastrulation and neurulation and segala mak nenek pasal embryogenesis... Sampai dah almost nangis time IRP sbb tak faham... Syafeeq kata.. ni ko kena imagine je baru leh faham... Susah la nak imagine ape jadi kat baby tu !!!!!!!!!!!! EMO gle time tu... bile dah faham, dia tak tanya langsung !! Argh !! nak meronta2 nak g jumpa Dr. Wilson and bagi hadiah sket...
And, byk gle tanya pasal pregnancy.. esp hormones.. and lactation la... hadoi.. nasib baik terminat lebih sket isu ni so, tau la sket2.. and placental pathology was so so... ade ok ade tak...
So, basically.. nape saya emo ?? well, paper yg gabung subjects ni menggeramkan student... sbb study byk gle, tapi kuar mcm 10-20% of that panel je.. bygkan satu soklan pun tak kuar pasal benda2 yang selama ni pulun dok hafal... such as oncogenes, cancer, embryogenesis.. mcm2 la.. and utk CVR, tak de satu pun soklan from Dr. Hall.. sdgkan lecture dia paling byk... Huhu.. saya mmg emo.. Dah ah tanya history pasal virus gak.. eg.. Who developed the polio vaccination ?? Apakah ?? And being me yang mmg tak amik tau lgsg, hentam je la and salah...(Sape suro gatal balik check answ, lagi stress)...
And yes, after the exam, gatal nak check jwpn.. esp yang part2 yang hentam.. hadoi... nyesal lak... Tp, tak pe... sabar je.. owh yes.. abis exam g uni untuk antar smart card.. ntah nape ntah dia suro antar.. and ternampak dr. Allen... ARGH !! geram.. nak pukul2.. sbb dia lecturer yang kuarkan soklan ntah ape2... pasal ECG la, pasal inwards and outwards of ions la... ntah ape2 la... Bleh dia tersengih2 nmpk ktorg ?? eeeeeeee.....
Ok... i'm tooo emotional... balik rumah, tak de mood nak mkn lunch.. lupa nak beli roti lak tu.. so, mkn la bnda2 ngarut.. satu hari ni study health in soc je....
Paper jumaat ni ade 5 panels.. neuro (otak2), alimentary (GI tract), homeostatis (ni byk pasal hormones and pharmaco), health in soc (psychology, sociology, public health) and muculoskeletal (bones and muscles)....
hadoi... stress and sedih tu mmg la lepas abis exam.. tp, lama2 pk blk.. ok kot... ade lagi satu paper utk cover blk... mmg la paper b tak leh dpt 100... tp, kalo leh dpt 99 kan leh pass lagi ??? haha.. ameen la kalo mmg leh dpt 99... dah ah tak suka neuro... huhu....
owh.. lupa nak cte gak.. exam tu 3 jam tau... and hari ni pulak la saya mengalami kesakitan biasa saya... so, bgn pagi mkn painkiller... pegi exam bawak pain killer... haha... 3 jam sgt2 lama.. lenguh pinggang.. halfway tu rasa nak berenti menulis and tido.. sbb letih sgt... dah ah ade minah depan tu kuar awal gle2.. maybe sbb dia dah abis jawab sbb terer sgt or dia give up.. heee... well.. time exam tu la tbe2 perut berbunyi berkali2... malu gle.. dah ah dok sebelah Tom.. Dia pandang semcm je.. pastu 30 mins terakhir, dok batuk tak berenti.. minum air pun tak layan gak.... duk dlm hall kecik, sume pandang semcm je.. haha.. owh well... 3 jam sgt2 lama.. lenguh segala muscles... and towards the end tu nmpk tom dok kira markah... niyah pun ikut la.. sbb nak bajet2 leh pass ke tak... hurm... i need the examiner to be really2 nice to me and insyaAllah leh pass... Ya Allah, lembutkan hati examiners ~
k ah.. nak kena sambung membaca... dah tak emo... lagi 3 hari, then MERDEKA for a month before result kuar... Result kuar 22nd may... Doakan ktorg !!! And all the best to 3rd year medics yang akan stat exam esok.. All the best to Kak Rus, Aween, Sebah, Aiman, Manja, Farah, Ili, Odah and Nana.. Did i miss anybody... dont think so... Owh, plus nik, ayub and salad la kot.. haha..
Ok.. gtg now..
p/s : Gd luck gak utk Abg Shah, Angah and Awan... Sume org exam skang... Adlina and Ariff tak exam ??