Salam wbt...
Last Tuesday was the last day of SSC block 3.. So, as usual, ade la assesment... We were asked to prepare a 10 mins presentation on any interesting topic.... And I decided to present on Obstetric Management for Sickle Cell and Thal patients...
I have prepared a presentation on Prenatal Diagnosis a week before the deadline but then decided to change it into Obstetric Management... Since we had an exam on Monday, I didn'n do any preparation for the presentation and decided to do it on Monday night.. I brought all the journals and articles with me to lectures on Monday... Owh yeah.. Ingatkan after exam bleh la buat kerja.. But we had lectures all day long.... So, I read tru the journals during lunch time...
After lectures (5pm), we went to town to get cookies and dinner.. haha... Sebab exam susah bangat... So, nak sedapkan hati.. Then, we headed to Student Union for the 2nd AGM... The line nak masuk Great Hall panjang gle2... Smpai Cathays train station... Maybe sume org nak tgk ape yg kecoh sgt pasal AGM tu... But we were there for a different reason.. We were there on behalf of healthcare students.. Rasa mcm pejuang lak time g AGM tu.. haha... Basically, heatlhcare students (Medics, Dentists, Nurses, OTs and etc) are not happy with the way union is treating and managing us... Well, I have no idea pun ape yg tak puas hati sgt... But kesimpulannya disebabkan oleh healthcare nye campus dekat Heath while the others dekat Park Place... So, yeah... We were in the meeting... Because some people worked really2 hard for this motion, so we decided to support them.. hehe...
So, yeah... The motion passed... Like 99% kot voted for the motion.. ye la.. yg dlm hall tu majority healthcare students... AGM yg agak berat sebelah... but, who cares... we healthcare students made an effort to be there and beratur smpai dekat 30min nak masuk hall....
After the AGM, ingat nak blk rumah trus n siapkan presentation.. But, singgah Cambrian Point kejap.. Ingatkan kejap.. Tgk2 lama.. haha.. Smpai rumah dah kul 11.30pm... Baru kelam kabut buat presentation and prepare the text.... And yeah !! I did it... Went to bed at around 2am..
The next day, woke up really2 early...tak leh tdo nye pasal.. ade kupu2 dlm perut.... So, practise la sorang2 depan cermin.. beckp kat depan cermin mcm org tak betul... As soon as I got to the seminar room, Dr. Alison May said one of the consultants (Dr. Bashi) will only be able to make it at 10.00 am... Ade clinics... so, we went to the cafe.... And I got this very bad panic attack.. Not only me.. but all of us.. Didn't expect Dr Bashi to join us.. Sah2 dia consultant and rasa presentation ktorg mcm murahan gle.. Plus, he can easily ask us difficult questions...
Around 10.oo am, we headed back to the seminar room.. He's still not there... Dr. Alison said might just start first then he can join us later... Fran presented 1st and I went 2nd.. Sengaja nak present awal2 bg Dr. Bashi tak sempat tgk mine.. hahaha.. YES !! did it...
And guess what ??? They found my presentation interesting... And Dr. Alison said something to me :
Dr. A : It seems that u have an interest in O&G... So, do u want to be an O&G then ??
H : Yes.. Most probably... :)
Dr. A : You are gonna make a great O&G... :)
InsyaAllah... hehe.. So, no more SSC after this.. I'm gonna miss it.. haha.. I enjoyed my SSC very much and I'm glad that I got this topic.....
Tahukah anda.... 1 in 3o malaysians has Thalasaemia... Scary kan ?? I almost wanted to have a blood test tau.. In case I'm a carrier... haha..
Hugs and kisses to everybody at home... :)
Friday, 27 February 2009
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Random ~
I'm starting to abandon this blog.. because dont really have the time...
Hari2 kuar awal, blk lmbt... and tdo lmbt... and tak larat... and mcm2 lg... too many things to worry about...
Ari ni kuar topic utk exam Short Written Comm... Tak smpai seminggu abis exam, dah dpt topic utk next exam.. lg 2 minggu exam ni.. plus, nak kena siapkan FCS... haish...
And ari ni.. dpt bil SPARK.. for gas and electricity.. pening2.. dont wanna talk about it.... but mmg tgh pening gle2 pasal bil ni... So, awan, jgn asyik nak mintak brg... ur sister kena bayar bil ok ???
Baru ingat nak beli stethoscope and digital bp bulan mac plus kasut baru for placements.. haish.. tgk la dulu mcm mane...
And ari ni, during lectures, my water bottle yg cantik and best terjatuh... and pecah dlm lecture hall... tak tau mcm mane leh pecah... sedih sgt2 sbb syg sgt2 bottle tu.. Pegi TK Mexx, tgk2 dah tak de dah botol tu... huhu.. Tgk online kat amazon n ebay pun tak de... Sedih... Katie said dia akan carikkan yg baru kat Bristol sbb dia nak g shopping kat Bristol Sabtu ni... Kalo tak de FOD, bleh la ikut dia g Bristol.. hehe....
Haish... I'm sleep deprived.. ari2 tdo kul 1 bgn kul 6.30... I need my sleep !!! Med school is supposed to be fun.. haha...
Hari2 kuar awal, blk lmbt... and tdo lmbt... and tak larat... and mcm2 lg... too many things to worry about...
Ari ni kuar topic utk exam Short Written Comm... Tak smpai seminggu abis exam, dah dpt topic utk next exam.. lg 2 minggu exam ni.. plus, nak kena siapkan FCS... haish...
And ari ni.. dpt bil SPARK.. for gas and electricity.. pening2.. dont wanna talk about it.... but mmg tgh pening gle2 pasal bil ni... So, awan, jgn asyik nak mintak brg... ur sister kena bayar bil ok ???
Baru ingat nak beli stethoscope and digital bp bulan mac plus kasut baru for placements.. haish.. tgk la dulu mcm mane...
And ari ni, during lectures, my water bottle yg cantik and best terjatuh... and pecah dlm lecture hall... tak tau mcm mane leh pecah... sedih sgt2 sbb syg sgt2 bottle tu.. Pegi TK Mexx, tgk2 dah tak de dah botol tu... huhu.. Tgk online kat amazon n ebay pun tak de... Sedih... Katie said dia akan carikkan yg baru kat Bristol sbb dia nak g shopping kat Bristol Sabtu ni... Kalo tak de FOD, bleh la ikut dia g Bristol.. hehe....
Haish... I'm sleep deprived.. ari2 tdo kul 1 bgn kul 6.30... I need my sleep !!! Med school is supposed to be fun.. haha...
Sunday, 22 February 2009
I'm a JULY baby.... :)
Salam wbt..
Found this in a friend's blog (From Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah)... I'm a July baby...
The statement with a T next to it tu maknanya true for me.. heeee..
How about u ?? Enjoy ~ xx
* Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius, suka mendidik dan dididik.
* Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik.
* Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan.
* Suka pada kecantikan, kekemasan dan teratur.
* Bersifat sensitif dan berfikiran mendalam.
* Pandai mengambil hati orang lain.
* Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang.
* Agak pemalu dan mempunyai daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi.
* Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri.
* Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema.
* Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya.
* Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak.
* Suka duduk di rumah.
* Setia pada segala-galanya.
* Perlu belajar kemahiran bersosial.
* Sifat cemburu yang sangat tinggi.
* Berfikiran abstrak.
* Sukakan benda yang realiti dan abstrak.
* Bijak dan pintar
* Berpewatakan yang mudah berubah.
* Mudah menawan orang lain.
* Agak pendiam.
* Pemalu dan rendah diri.
* Jujur dan setia pada segalanya.
* Keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat.
* Tidak suka dikongkong.
* Mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong.
* Suka kegiatan yang lasak.
* Emosinya mudah terluka dan sangat sensitif.
* Mudah mempamerkan marahnya.
* Tidak suka benda yang remeh-temeh.
* Suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya.
* Sangat berani dan suka memberontak.
* Bercita-cita tinggi, suka berangan-angan dan ada harapan untuk merealisasikan impiannya.
* Pemerhatian yang tajam.
* Suka hiburan dan sukan.
* Suka benda yang bersifat seni.
* Sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran.
* Berkecenderungan pada benda yang tahyul.
* Amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros.
* Belajar untuk mempamerkan emosi.
* Berpesonaliti menarik dan menawan.
* Mudah didampingi.
* Sangat pemalu dan pemendam rasa.
* Sangat baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati.
* Sangat sensitif pada perkataan yang dituturkan dan alam persekitaran.
* Suka pada kedamaian.
* Sangat peka pada orang lain.
* Sesuai dengan kerjaya yang memberi khidmat kepada orang lain.
* Tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah.
* Tahu membalas dan mengenang budi.
* Pemerhatian dan penilaian yang sangat tajam.
* Kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dikawal.
* Suka berangan-angan.
* Suka melancong.
* Sangat manja dan suka diberi perhatian yang sangat tinggi.
* Kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan.
* Suka dengan hiasan rumahtangga.
* Punya bakat seni dalalm bidang muzik.
* Kecenderungan pada benda yang istimewa dan baik.
* Jangan terlalu mengikut selera atau perasaan
* Sangat aktif dan dinamik.
* Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal.
* Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri.
* Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat.
* Suka diberi perhatian
* Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ).
* Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang.
* Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut.
* Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah.
* Emosi cepat terusik.
* Cuba kawal perasaan.
* Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam.
* Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan.
* Kuat daya ingatan.
* Gerak hati yang sangat kuat.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain.
* Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada.
* Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
* Keras hati & degil.
* Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi.
* Pemikiran yang tajam.
* Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal.
* Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain .
* Perasaan yang amat mendalam.
* Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal.
* Tidak perlu dimotivasikan.
* Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain.
* Mudah dipujuk.
* Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri).
* Suka berangan.
* Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu.
* Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit.
* Daya khayalan yang tinggi.
* Permikiran yang tajam.
* Pandai berdebat.
* Fizikal yang baik.
* Kelemahan sistem pernafasan
* Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong.
* Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah.
* Tidak boleh duduk diam.
* Tidak punya ramai anak.
* Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi.
* Agak boros.
* Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan.
* Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik.
* Berperangai lemah lembut.
* Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood.
* Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala.
* Bersikap sensitif.
* Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir).
* Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera.
* Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh.
* Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik.
* Cepat marah & cepat sejuk.
* Suka bercakap & berdebat.
* Suka buat lawak & bergurau.
* Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan.
* Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan.
* orang yang sangat tertib.
* Pandai mempamerkan sikap.
* Mudah kecil hati.
* Mudah kena selsema.
* Suka berkemas.
* Cepat rasa bosan.
* Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet.
* Kurang mempamerkan perasaan.
* Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati.
* Suka pada barang yang berjenama.
* Mudah menjadi eksekutif.
* Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal.
* Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan.
* Sangat suka didamping. - T
* Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki. -T
* Agak pendiam kecuali dirangsang.
* Ada harga dan maruah diri. - T
* Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan. -T
* Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus. -T
* Sangat menjaga hati orang lain. -T
* Sangat peramah. -T
* Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya. -T
* Berjiwa sentimental. -T
* Jarang berdendam. -T
* Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan. -T
* Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh. -T
* Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental.
* Sangat peka, mengambil berat dan mengasihi serta penyayang. -T
* Layanan yang serupa terhadap semua orang.
* Tinggi daya simpati. -T
* Pemerhatian yang tajam. -T
* Suka menilai orang lain melalui pemerhatian.
* Mudah dan rajin belajar.
* Suka muhasabah diri.
* Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama. -T
* Suka mendiamkan diri.
* Suka duduk di rumah. -T
* Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan. -T
* Tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa.
* Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut.
* Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet. -T
* Minta disayangi. -T
* Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih. -T
* Terlalu mengambil berat. -T
* Rajin dalam membuat kerja -T .. hehe
* Suka berlawak.
* Mudah tertawan padanya.
* Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Berani dan tidak tahu takut.
* Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan.
* Pandai memujuk orang lain.
* Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego.
* Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi.
* Dahagakan pujian.
* Semangat juang yang luar biasa
* Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk.
* Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan.
* Sangat cemburu.
* Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti.
* Cepat berfikir.
* Fikiran yang berdikari.
* Suka memimpin & dipimpin.
* Sifat suka berangan.
* Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat.
* Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk.
* Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit.
* Belajar untuk bertenang.
* Sikap kelam kabut.
* Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang.
* Suka mencari kawan
* Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur.
* Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur.
* Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik.
* Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap.
* Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati.
* Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur.
* Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna.
* Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui.
* orang yang banyak berfikir.
* Daya pentaakulan yang baik.
* Otak bijak & mudah belajar.
* Suka mencari maklumat.
* Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia.
* Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong.
* Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya.
* Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan.
* Terlalu memilih pasangan.
* Sukakan benda yang luas.
* Bersistematik
* Suka berbual.
* Suka orang yang sayang padanya.
* Suka ambil jln tengah.
* Sangat menawan & sopan santun.
* Kecantikan luar & dalam.
* Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura.
* Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan.
* Sentiasa berkawan.
* Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama.
* Cepat marah.
* Macam pentingkan diri sendiri.
* Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta.
* Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri.
* Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain.
* Emosi yang mudah terusik.
* Suka berangan & pandai bercakap.
* Emosi yang kelam kabut.
* Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan).
* Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni.
* Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut.
* Romantik dalam percintaan.
* Mudah terusik hati & cemburu.
* Ambil berat tentang orang lain.
* Suka kegiatan luar.
* orang yang adil.
* Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran.
* Mudah patah semangat
* Banyak idea dalam perkara.
* Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya.
* Berfikiran kehadapan.
* Berfikiran unik dan bijak.
* Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luarbiasa.
* Pemikiran yang tajam.
* Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi.
* Sesuai jadi seorang doktor.
* Cermat dan teliti.
* Personaliti yang dinamik.
* Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia.
* Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra.
* Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran.
* Terlalu degil dan keras hati.
* Apabila berkehendak sesuatu, akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya.
* Tak suka marah kecuali digugat.
* Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Pandai muhasabah diri.
* Cara berfikir yang lain dari orang lain.
* Otak yang sangat tajam.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Tidak hargai pujian.
* Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi apabila berkehendak sesuatu.
* Cuba sampai berjaya.
* Badan yang sasa.
* Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam dan romantik.
* Tidak pasti dengan hubungan kasih sayang.
* Suka duduk d irumah.
* Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi.
* Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia.
* Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
* Sangat setia dan pemurah.
* Bersifat patriotik.
* Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan.
* Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi.
* Seronok bila didampingi.
* Suka bercampur dengan orang.
* Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai.
* Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur.
* Tidak pandai berpura-pura.
* Cepat marah.
* Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah.
* Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi.
* Benci pada kongkongan.
* Suka berlawak.
* Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik.
Found this in a friend's blog (From Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah)... I'm a July baby...
The statement with a T next to it tu maknanya true for me.. heeee..
How about u ?? Enjoy ~ xx
* Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius, suka mendidik dan dididik.
* Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik.
* Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan.
* Suka pada kecantikan, kekemasan dan teratur.
* Bersifat sensitif dan berfikiran mendalam.
* Pandai mengambil hati orang lain.
* Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang.
* Agak pemalu dan mempunyai daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi.
* Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri.
* Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema.
* Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya.
* Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak.
* Suka duduk di rumah.
* Setia pada segala-galanya.
* Perlu belajar kemahiran bersosial.
* Sifat cemburu yang sangat tinggi.
* Berfikiran abstrak.
* Sukakan benda yang realiti dan abstrak.
* Bijak dan pintar
* Berpewatakan yang mudah berubah.
* Mudah menawan orang lain.
* Agak pendiam.
* Pemalu dan rendah diri.
* Jujur dan setia pada segalanya.
* Keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat.
* Tidak suka dikongkong.
* Mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong.
* Suka kegiatan yang lasak.
* Emosinya mudah terluka dan sangat sensitif.
* Mudah mempamerkan marahnya.
* Tidak suka benda yang remeh-temeh.
* Suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya.
* Sangat berani dan suka memberontak.
* Bercita-cita tinggi, suka berangan-angan dan ada harapan untuk merealisasikan impiannya.
* Pemerhatian yang tajam.
* Suka hiburan dan sukan.
* Suka benda yang bersifat seni.
* Sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran.
* Berkecenderungan pada benda yang tahyul.
* Amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros.
* Belajar untuk mempamerkan emosi.
* Berpesonaliti menarik dan menawan.
* Mudah didampingi.
* Sangat pemalu dan pemendam rasa.
* Sangat baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati.
* Sangat sensitif pada perkataan yang dituturkan dan alam persekitaran.
* Suka pada kedamaian.
* Sangat peka pada orang lain.
* Sesuai dengan kerjaya yang memberi khidmat kepada orang lain.
* Tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah.
* Tahu membalas dan mengenang budi.
* Pemerhatian dan penilaian yang sangat tajam.
* Kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dikawal.
* Suka berangan-angan.
* Suka melancong.
* Sangat manja dan suka diberi perhatian yang sangat tinggi.
* Kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan.
* Suka dengan hiasan rumahtangga.
* Punya bakat seni dalalm bidang muzik.
* Kecenderungan pada benda yang istimewa dan baik.
* Jangan terlalu mengikut selera atau perasaan
* Sangat aktif dan dinamik.
* Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal.
* Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri.
* Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat.
* Suka diberi perhatian
* Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ).
* Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang.
* Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut.
* Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah.
* Emosi cepat terusik.
* Cuba kawal perasaan.
* Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam.
* Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan.
* Kuat daya ingatan.
* Gerak hati yang sangat kuat.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain.
* Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada.
* Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
* Keras hati & degil.
* Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi.
* Pemikiran yang tajam.
* Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal.
* Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain .
* Perasaan yang amat mendalam.
* Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal.
* Tidak perlu dimotivasikan.
* Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain.
* Mudah dipujuk.
* Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri).
* Suka berangan.
* Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu.
* Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit.
* Daya khayalan yang tinggi.
* Permikiran yang tajam.
* Pandai berdebat.
* Fizikal yang baik.
* Kelemahan sistem pernafasan
* Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong.
* Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah.
* Tidak boleh duduk diam.
* Tidak punya ramai anak.
* Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi.
* Agak boros.
* Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan.
* Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik.
* Berperangai lemah lembut.
* Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood.
* Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala.
* Bersikap sensitif.
* Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir).
* Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera.
* Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh.
* Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik.
* Cepat marah & cepat sejuk.
* Suka bercakap & berdebat.
* Suka buat lawak & bergurau.
* Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan.
* Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan.
* orang yang sangat tertib.
* Pandai mempamerkan sikap.
* Mudah kecil hati.
* Mudah kena selsema.
* Suka berkemas.
* Cepat rasa bosan.
* Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet.
* Kurang mempamerkan perasaan.
* Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati.
* Suka pada barang yang berjenama.
* Mudah menjadi eksekutif.
* Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal.
* Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan.
* Sangat suka didamping. - T
* Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki. -T
* Agak pendiam kecuali dirangsang.
* Ada harga dan maruah diri. - T
* Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan. -T
* Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus. -T
* Sangat menjaga hati orang lain. -T
* Sangat peramah. -T
* Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya. -T
* Berjiwa sentimental. -T
* Jarang berdendam. -T
* Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan. -T
* Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh. -T
* Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental.
* Sangat peka, mengambil berat dan mengasihi serta penyayang. -T
* Layanan yang serupa terhadap semua orang.
* Tinggi daya simpati. -T
* Pemerhatian yang tajam. -T
* Suka menilai orang lain melalui pemerhatian.
* Mudah dan rajin belajar.
* Suka muhasabah diri.
* Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama. -T
* Suka mendiamkan diri.
* Suka duduk di rumah. -T
* Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan. -T
* Tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa.
* Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut.
* Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet. -T
* Minta disayangi. -T
* Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih. -T
* Terlalu mengambil berat. -T
* Rajin dalam membuat kerja -T .. hehe
* Suka berlawak.
* Mudah tertawan padanya.
* Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Berani dan tidak tahu takut.
* Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan.
* Pandai memujuk orang lain.
* Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego.
* Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi.
* Dahagakan pujian.
* Semangat juang yang luar biasa
* Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk.
* Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan.
* Sangat cemburu.
* Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti.
* Cepat berfikir.
* Fikiran yang berdikari.
* Suka memimpin & dipimpin.
* Sifat suka berangan.
* Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat.
* Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk.
* Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit.
* Belajar untuk bertenang.
* Sikap kelam kabut.
* Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang.
* Suka mencari kawan
* Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur.
* Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur.
* Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik.
* Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap.
* Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati.
* Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur.
* Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna.
* Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui.
* orang yang banyak berfikir.
* Daya pentaakulan yang baik.
* Otak bijak & mudah belajar.
* Suka mencari maklumat.
* Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia.
* Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong.
* Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya.
* Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan.
* Terlalu memilih pasangan.
* Sukakan benda yang luas.
* Bersistematik
* Suka berbual.
* Suka orang yang sayang padanya.
* Suka ambil jln tengah.
* Sangat menawan & sopan santun.
* Kecantikan luar & dalam.
* Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura.
* Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan.
* Sentiasa berkawan.
* Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama.
* Cepat marah.
* Macam pentingkan diri sendiri.
* Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta.
* Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri.
* Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain.
* Emosi yang mudah terusik.
* Suka berangan & pandai bercakap.
* Emosi yang kelam kabut.
* Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan).
* Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni.
* Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut.
* Romantik dalam percintaan.
* Mudah terusik hati & cemburu.
* Ambil berat tentang orang lain.
* Suka kegiatan luar.
* orang yang adil.
* Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran.
* Mudah patah semangat
* Banyak idea dalam perkara.
* Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya.
* Berfikiran kehadapan.
* Berfikiran unik dan bijak.
* Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luarbiasa.
* Pemikiran yang tajam.
* Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi.
* Sesuai jadi seorang doktor.
* Cermat dan teliti.
* Personaliti yang dinamik.
* Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia.
* Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra.
* Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran.
* Terlalu degil dan keras hati.
* Apabila berkehendak sesuatu, akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya.
* Tak suka marah kecuali digugat.
* Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Pandai muhasabah diri.
* Cara berfikir yang lain dari orang lain.
* Otak yang sangat tajam.
* Pandai mendorong diri sendiri.
* Tidak hargai pujian.
* Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi apabila berkehendak sesuatu.
* Cuba sampai berjaya.
* Badan yang sasa.
* Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam dan romantik.
* Tidak pasti dengan hubungan kasih sayang.
* Suka duduk d irumah.
* Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi.
* Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia.
* Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
* Sangat setia dan pemurah.
* Bersifat patriotik.
* Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan.
* Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa.
* Bercita-cita tinggi.
* Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi.
* Seronok bila didampingi.
* Suka bercampur dengan orang.
* Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai.
* Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur.
* Tidak pandai berpura-pura.
* Cepat marah.
* Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah.
* Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi.
* Benci pada kongkongan.
* Suka berlawak.
* Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
ER ~
It's ER final season... :(
And Dr. Carter is back !!! huh.. And he's sick.. huhu...
Last night I called KT after hours of working for this stupid exam.. We talked for like 20 mins.. She told me that she's planning to have a HSM marathon on Monday night !! Owh yes, she bought all 3 dvds of high school musical on the day HSM3 dvd was released... haha.. And then, we started talking about Grey's Anatomy... How Derek got punched... And Izzie is dying... And then I told her about Private Practice and how I think Pete is cute !! haha.... And then..
KT : Have u watched ER ?
Me : Which episode ?
KT : Last night's
Me : Not yet.. Planning to watch it tomorrow
KT : Haha.. Carter is back.. but in a weird way... very mysterious..
Me : What happened ?
KT : Watch it urself.. I'm not gonna tell u.. haha...
Me : Ok.. GTG now.. Found the video already... haha...
bla bla bla...
And then, I watched the video.... huhuh... Carter is having a kidney prob.. Because i saw the dialysis machine.. I don't think it's cancer.. Or, it might be... Huhuhuh....
And I texted KT... And then we talked for like another 30 mins... TEXT !!! LONG TEXTS.. haha...
KT is one of my best fren here.. We share the same interest.... From shopping to movies.. haha.. We have the same taste... haha... And we watched the same TV series.. That's the best thing.... We can spend hours talking about TV series as if they are real.. haha.. She's the one who will drive us around Cardiff.. or to the airport.. or to movies... hehe... I knew her because we were in the same Tutorial group last year.. And we shared the same personal tutor.. The last 4 people in the year (Me, Jen, Shob and KT) were the unlucky ones... But, we became really close... And usually got the same clinical placements...
And I told her last night, we have to start finding real cute doctors as ER will end soon and Tom is not in Holby anymore.. haha.. We have to stop dreaming about Carter or Kovac... Get real !!!
So peeps, my exam is on Monday and I am still writing here... I am under a lot of stress for this exam.. They gave us 3 case scenarios and asked us to interpret and analyse them for this exam.. I have no idea what i'm doing now.. There will be graphs and Maths ques for sure..But I don't know to what extend of the physiology that I'm supposed to know...
Pray for US ~
To angah : jangan sedih2 carter sakit.. Kata final season.. mesti la ada DRAMA.. btw, Dr. Doug Ross is coming back soon as well...
-niyah aka Mrs. Carter... haha -
And Dr. Carter is back !!! huh.. And he's sick.. huhu...
Last night I called KT after hours of working for this stupid exam.. We talked for like 20 mins.. She told me that she's planning to have a HSM marathon on Monday night !! Owh yes, she bought all 3 dvds of high school musical on the day HSM3 dvd was released... haha.. And then, we started talking about Grey's Anatomy... How Derek got punched... And Izzie is dying... And then I told her about Private Practice and how I think Pete is cute !! haha.... And then..
KT : Have u watched ER ?
Me : Which episode ?
KT : Last night's
Me : Not yet.. Planning to watch it tomorrow
KT : Haha.. Carter is back.. but in a weird way... very mysterious..
Me : What happened ?
KT : Watch it urself.. I'm not gonna tell u.. haha...
Me : Ok.. GTG now.. Found the video already... haha...
bla bla bla...
And then, I watched the video.... huhuh... Carter is having a kidney prob.. Because i saw the dialysis machine.. I don't think it's cancer.. Or, it might be... Huhuhuh....
And I texted KT... And then we talked for like another 30 mins... TEXT !!! LONG TEXTS.. haha...
KT is one of my best fren here.. We share the same interest.... From shopping to movies.. haha.. We have the same taste... haha... And we watched the same TV series.. That's the best thing.... We can spend hours talking about TV series as if they are real.. haha.. She's the one who will drive us around Cardiff.. or to the airport.. or to movies... hehe... I knew her because we were in the same Tutorial group last year.. And we shared the same personal tutor.. The last 4 people in the year (Me, Jen, Shob and KT) were the unlucky ones... But, we became really close... And usually got the same clinical placements...
And I told her last night, we have to start finding real cute doctors as ER will end soon and Tom is not in Holby anymore.. haha.. We have to stop dreaming about Carter or Kovac... Get real !!!
So peeps, my exam is on Monday and I am still writing here... I am under a lot of stress for this exam.. They gave us 3 case scenarios and asked us to interpret and analyse them for this exam.. I have no idea what i'm doing now.. There will be graphs and Maths ques for sure..But I don't know to what extend of the physiology that I'm supposed to know...
Pray for US ~
To angah : jangan sedih2 carter sakit.. Kata final season.. mesti la ada DRAMA.. btw, Dr. Doug Ross is coming back soon as well...
-niyah aka Mrs. Carter... haha -
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Countdownsss ~:|
Thinking about these freaks me out !!!
Better get back to work.. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami.... After the exam, ade lectures all day long.. Don't know how we are gonna make it from All Nations Centre to Biosi for the lectures after the exam.. Bagi venue exam jauh2... pastu ade lecture plak lepas tu.. For the SSC presentation, I have decided to write the script after the exam.. Not sure how I'm gonna do it.. But I have to do it !!! haha.... Nasib baik dah siapkan slides awal2..
p/s : To team Cardiff yang akan ke NISE weekend ni kat Leeds, all the best guys !!! Esp to Fuzah !! Team manager yang sgt2 dedikasi.. Sorry sgt2 tak leh join korang.. But I need to revise for the exam... (Sape suro study last min) My prayers are with you guys !!! Kekalkan kejuaraan Cardiff !!!! -hugs to the whole team-
-niyah or mak cik kepada Adlina and Ariff- xx
- 3 days to Data Interpretation and Analysis Exam (25% of ASP)
- 4 days to SSC block 3 presentation
- 28 days to Short Written Communication Skills Exam (25% of ASP)
- 32 days to FCS deadline
- 2 months to Final exams of Intermediate MB 2.1
- and finally about 4 months before I can fly back home...
Better get back to work.. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami.... After the exam, ade lectures all day long.. Don't know how we are gonna make it from All Nations Centre to Biosi for the lectures after the exam.. Bagi venue exam jauh2... pastu ade lecture plak lepas tu.. For the SSC presentation, I have decided to write the script after the exam.. Not sure how I'm gonna do it.. But I have to do it !!! haha.... Nasib baik dah siapkan slides awal2..
p/s : To team Cardiff yang akan ke NISE weekend ni kat Leeds, all the best guys !!! Esp to Fuzah !! Team manager yang sgt2 dedikasi.. Sorry sgt2 tak leh join korang.. But I need to revise for the exam... (Sape suro study last min) My prayers are with you guys !!! Kekalkan kejuaraan Cardiff !!!! -hugs to the whole team-
-niyah or mak cik kepada Adlina and Ariff- xx
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Dream ?? Dayang's tag..
Dayang tagged me.. Em, actually jenis yg tak buat sgt tag2 ni.. Plus, this tag mcm tak de kaitan sgt ngan myself.. Tp, bosan sgt2 skang ni.. nak masak dinner awal sgt... So, buatlah tag ni.. Demi Dayang.. :P
1. How old are you?
21 years 7 months ??
Hurm.. Yes ~ I am single...
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
Heh... Kalo ade jodoh, after graduate la.. 25/26 ke.. Tgk la jodoh sampai ble..
4. Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
Who am I with now ? Tak la kot..
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
Rahsia.. cewah... Tom Chambers leh ?? Sape2 yang lagi tinggi dr 1.8m... haha
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
Hentah la... Sape2 pun boleh.. But kalo boleh yang tak rendah sgt. Nanti dia kipa diri sendiri..
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
Traditional ?? Ikut kemampuan..
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
Hurm.. Susah.. Kalo mampu, leh je nak g jauh2... Mana2 je pun bleh.. Hehe..
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
Ramai !!! Kalo bajet cukup, leh jemput kwn2 Convent, Asma, MRSM Lgkw, KMB and Cardiff Uni.. Plus relatives ~
10. Will that include your exes?
Kalo ade exes, jemput la.. haha... Ni exes tak de pun, nak jemput mcm mane...
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
Satu tingkat cukup.. Tak de kek pun tak pe...
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
Petang kot.. After Asar...
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding:
Selamat Pengantin Baru.. hahaha.. BOHSAN !
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?
Pakai tangan.. tak pun spoon and fork kalo ade yang tak reti mkn guna tangan..
15. Champagne or red wine?
Sirap selasih.. hehe
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Kalo dah kerja and tak leh cuti, kena tunggu la.. haha.. Esp kalo tgh housemanship...
17. Money or household items?
Both !!! Household items mcm best gak.. But asked me first ape yg tak de lg.. haha...
18. How many kids would you like to have?
Hurm.. rahsia....
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
Yup kot..
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
Ntah... nobody in particular... But Fuzah mesti gembira kalo buat bab2 ni... So, Mahfuzah, i'm tagging u !!
K ah.. dah kul 6.10 pm.. Leh masak japgi... Then sambung study...
Tata.. :)
What an achievement !!
Salam to all ~
It was an achievement !! For 6 of us.. yeay !!! We travelled to Cardiff Bay from Cathays station by train for PERCUMA !! FREE !!! (The best word ever)
It was my 4th SSC visit.. Ari ni ktorg berenam g BUTETOWN.. There's this one medical centre kat Butetown yang specilised in Sickle Cell and Thal.. Their main priority is tu support the patients.. Plus for counselling.. So, we decided to meet at Cathays train station around 1 pm coz we have to be in Butetown b4 2pm.. I tot that i'll be the 1st person to get to the station.. Tgk2 Nick smpai lg awal.. haha..
We planned to get the 1315 train to Queen Street then tukar kat Queen Street to Cardiff Bay... Unfortunately, Fran didn't make it before 1315.. So, Nick decided to wait for her at the station.. haha.. Dia smpai station dulu, tp dia kena tinggal.. haha.. So, 4 of us pun naik tren tu.. Journey to Queen Street dlm 5 min je.. or less.. We didnt buy the tickets b4 boarding the train because the counter was closed sbb lunch time.. But still, ade je org jual ticket atas tren.. Tp, conductor tu tak sempat smpai tmpt ktorg before smpai Queen Street.. And then, from QS to Bay from conductor tu tak sempat gak.. Yeay !!! And then 5-10 mins walk to Butetown.. heh..
And we enjoyed our 2 hours session in the community centre... It was very informative and lots of FUN !!! Then we headed back to the train at around 4pm.. We decided to sit dekat hujung2 tren.. To avoid the conductor.. haha.. But, byk la plak org duduk dekat situ... So, berdebar2 sume tunggu conductor tu.. sebab tak nak bayar punya pasal.. hehe.. Dia dah dekat2 nak smpai, ktorg nmpk QS station.. Trus ktorg 6 bgn and jln g pintu tren.. Wakakakak.. That was the closest... Fiuh.. Then, we boarded the next train to Cathays.. Train agak penuh but Rob said we got into the wrong end of the train coz he said he saw the conductor at our end.... Fran and Nick trus jalan g coach depan.. Tukar coach coz tak nak bayar... and the rest of us decided to stay.. But we made it again !! yeay !!! satu sen pun tak belanja hari ni.. hahaha.. Kedekut tul ktorg ni.. haha...
Next week is gonna be my last SSC week.. No more Sickle Cell and Thal.. But i'm glad that i got this SSC.. Sgt2 best.. very organised and the staffs are helpful.. I think it's because diaorg sgt2 smgt nak ajar.. And the good thing is, we have a really good relationship with the staffs... They even know my name !! haha.. And diaorg pronounce my name betul ok !!!! Sgt2 happy... Because, kalo g Heath and jumpa diaorg tgh jalan pun diaorg leh tegur and sembang.. Haha.. Esp Dr. Alison and Dr. Bashi... And today, we got a vey special e-mail from Dr. Alison about a patient that we met last week :
Dear everyone,
I have pasted below an email from Dr Connor that he was anxious you receive. See you next week for
your presentations. Hope you're all well and you've enjoyed your time with us so far and this week
at the sickle cell & thalassaemia centre of course.
best wishes from Alison
"XXX was very dehydrated when we saw him. His admission weight
was 12.1 Kg and on 29/1/9 in OPD he had weighed 15.1Kg.
Soon after he was given a 20ml/kg bolus of normal saline he started to
be able to produce tears. When we saw him he was lethargic and had a
depressed consciousness level. Not being able to produce tears because
of dehydration represents a loss of >15% total body water. This is
reflected in his weight loss.
He was given a further 20ml/kg bolus, after which his heart rate fell
from >160bpm to 150bpm and continuous fluids at a rate of 150%
maintenance were commenced. Cultures had been taken and antibiotics were
started. His mum turned up and the history was of frequent D&V over the
proceeding 3 days on a background of primary VZV infection
To my immense surprise he made an uneventful recovery and did not
overtly "sickle", being sent home 2 days later."
XXX is the patient's name..
Dr. Connor was soo excited about this and dia nak ktorg tau this news jugak.. haha..
That's all for today.. I was really upset about my SSC when i first got it.. But now, I'm glad I got this..
It was an achievement !! For 6 of us.. yeay !!! We travelled to Cardiff Bay from Cathays station by train for PERCUMA !! FREE !!! (The best word ever)
It was my 4th SSC visit.. Ari ni ktorg berenam g BUTETOWN.. There's this one medical centre kat Butetown yang specilised in Sickle Cell and Thal.. Their main priority is tu support the patients.. Plus for counselling.. So, we decided to meet at Cathays train station around 1 pm coz we have to be in Butetown b4 2pm.. I tot that i'll be the 1st person to get to the station.. Tgk2 Nick smpai lg awal.. haha..
We planned to get the 1315 train to Queen Street then tukar kat Queen Street to Cardiff Bay... Unfortunately, Fran didn't make it before 1315.. So, Nick decided to wait for her at the station.. haha.. Dia smpai station dulu, tp dia kena tinggal.. haha.. So, 4 of us pun naik tren tu.. Journey to Queen Street dlm 5 min je.. or less.. We didnt buy the tickets b4 boarding the train because the counter was closed sbb lunch time.. But still, ade je org jual ticket atas tren.. Tp, conductor tu tak sempat smpai tmpt ktorg before smpai Queen Street.. And then, from QS to Bay from conductor tu tak sempat gak.. Yeay !!! And then 5-10 mins walk to Butetown.. heh..
And we enjoyed our 2 hours session in the community centre... It was very informative and lots of FUN !!! Then we headed back to the train at around 4pm.. We decided to sit dekat hujung2 tren.. To avoid the conductor.. haha.. But, byk la plak org duduk dekat situ... So, berdebar2 sume tunggu conductor tu.. sebab tak nak bayar punya pasal.. hehe.. Dia dah dekat2 nak smpai, ktorg nmpk QS station.. Trus ktorg 6 bgn and jln g pintu tren.. Wakakakak.. That was the closest... Fiuh.. Then, we boarded the next train to Cathays.. Train agak penuh but Rob said we got into the wrong end of the train coz he said he saw the conductor at our end.... Fran and Nick trus jalan g coach depan.. Tukar coach coz tak nak bayar... and the rest of us decided to stay.. But we made it again !! yeay !!! satu sen pun tak belanja hari ni.. hahaha.. Kedekut tul ktorg ni.. haha...
Next week is gonna be my last SSC week.. No more Sickle Cell and Thal.. But i'm glad that i got this SSC.. Sgt2 best.. very organised and the staffs are helpful.. I think it's because diaorg sgt2 smgt nak ajar.. And the good thing is, we have a really good relationship with the staffs... They even know my name !! haha.. And diaorg pronounce my name betul ok !!!! Sgt2 happy... Because, kalo g Heath and jumpa diaorg tgh jalan pun diaorg leh tegur and sembang.. Haha.. Esp Dr. Alison and Dr. Bashi... And today, we got a vey special e-mail from Dr. Alison about a patient that we met last week :
Dear everyone,
I have pasted below an email from Dr Connor that he was anxious you receive. See you next week for
your presentations. Hope you're all well and you've enjoyed your time with us so far and this week
at the sickle cell & thalassaemia centre of course.
best wishes from Alison
"XXX was very dehydrated when we saw him. His admission weight
was 12.1 Kg and on 29/1/9 in OPD he had weighed 15.1Kg.
Soon after he was given a 20ml/kg bolus of normal saline he started to
be able to produce tears. When we saw him he was lethargic and had a
depressed consciousness level. Not being able to produce tears because
of dehydration represents a loss of >15% total body water. This is
reflected in his weight loss.
He was given a further 20ml/kg bolus, after which his heart rate fell
from >160bpm to 150bpm and continuous fluids at a rate of 150%
maintenance were commenced. Cultures had been taken and antibiotics were
started. His mum turned up and the history was of frequent D&V over the
proceeding 3 days on a background of primary VZV infection
To my immense surprise he made an uneventful recovery and did not
overtly "sickle", being sent home 2 days later."
XXX is the patient's name..
Dr. Connor was soo excited about this and dia nak ktorg tau this news jugak.. haha..
That's all for today.. I was really upset about my SSC when i first got it.. But now, I'm glad I got this..
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Friday, 13 February 2009
Sempurna ~
Tag from Facebook again.. and tgh bosan !!
1. Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 or more friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got it from.
Bleeding Love
My heart will go on
Cry me a river
With you (Asal mcm truk sgt my life's purpose?)
Reach (Yeah!!!)
Someone to Love.. (Fiuh.. apekah)
Hero (Ni serously betul2 shuffle eh.. tak tipu..)
A Million Love Songs
WHAT IS 2+2?
Aku Lebih Tahu (Haha..)
Sebelum Cahaya
Sampai Syurga
Chiqituita (Muahahaha)
Tiada Ragu
Sandaran Hati (Adakah mereka berfikiran begitu ? haha)
Suratan atau Kebetulan (Sedih nye wedding.. but tak nak dance pun..)
Rasa cinta (Baca Yassin la)
Don't Stop Moving (S Club 7 lagi ~ asal ntah)
Sahabat by Aizat (Cewah.. )
Flying Without Wings
Hadirnya Dirimu
Aku Punya Kamu
Atas nama Cinta
If I were a boy (Haha.. will i cry ?)
You Fill Up My Senses (Tbe2 teringat Andrew Castle time SCD... He's a GMTV presenter)
Jangan Bilang Tidak
Hanya Kau yang mampu (Adlina's song.. Aku cinta !!!)
Ketahuan (Adlina's song again.. o..o.. kamu ketahuan.. Rindu ADLINA !)
Aku dan Dirimu
Sempurna :)
Patutnye kena tag org.. Tapi mcm malas.. But kalo bleh nak sape2 yang rajin buat.. hehe.. kalo2 bosan buat la eh...
Have a great weekend !
1. Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 or more friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got it from.
Bleeding Love
My heart will go on
Cry me a river
With you (Asal mcm truk sgt my life's purpose?)
Reach (Yeah!!!)
Someone to Love.. (Fiuh.. apekah)
Hero (Ni serously betul2 shuffle eh.. tak tipu..)
A Million Love Songs
WHAT IS 2+2?
Aku Lebih Tahu (Haha..)
Sebelum Cahaya
Sampai Syurga
Chiqituita (Muahahaha)
Tiada Ragu
Sandaran Hati (Adakah mereka berfikiran begitu ? haha)
Suratan atau Kebetulan (Sedih nye wedding.. but tak nak dance pun..)
Rasa cinta (Baca Yassin la)
Don't Stop Moving (S Club 7 lagi ~ asal ntah)
Sahabat by Aizat (Cewah.. )
Flying Without Wings
Hadirnya Dirimu
Aku Punya Kamu
Atas nama Cinta
If I were a boy (Haha.. will i cry ?)
You Fill Up My Senses (Tbe2 teringat Andrew Castle time SCD... He's a GMTV presenter)
Jangan Bilang Tidak
Hanya Kau yang mampu (Adlina's song.. Aku cinta !!!)
Ketahuan (Adlina's song again.. o..o.. kamu ketahuan.. Rindu ADLINA !)
Aku dan Dirimu
Sempurna :)
Patutnye kena tag org.. Tapi mcm malas.. But kalo bleh nak sape2 yang rajin buat.. hehe.. kalo2 bosan buat la eh...
Have a great weekend !
Tabik Spring !!
I always wonder how org yang dah ade family cope with studies.... Hurm..
Yesterday, after lunch, ade 2 lectures on DGR.. Pasal pregnancy sume tu la.. For the first time, in the LT, I was surrounded dgn locals yang dah ade anak or tgh pregnant... Em, dekat blkg is the Mr. Dentist... Yes, he's a dentist... He's a qualified one.. We used to call him the MaxFac guy... Em, dia nak specilise... So, kena ade double degree.. And sembang2 la ngan dia.. He said medicine agak demanding compared to dentistry.. For him la.. I dont know about others.. Sebab dia kata kalo waktu dia amik dentistry dulu, tak de la byk lecture and assignment sgt.. byk bnda2 clinical and skills... But bila dia amik medic, mcm lecture ari2 and byk keje.. And he has a baby girl at home yang baru nak sethn next week.. Huhu... And at the same time, he's still working kat dental hosp as a dentist.. Fair enuf, he still needs the money.. haha.. Sgt2 gigih.. And time deadline essay aritu, dia tak dtg lecture pagi tu coz baru nak siapkan essay... heh... He has a valid reason to do that kot..
And dekat row depan ade Mrs. A... (nama dirahsiakan)... Dah kawen and now she's 7 months pregnant.. Dia ckp dia lg focus time lectures pasal pregnancy skang.. Ceh.. And mmg respect ah dia ni.. She lives somewhere luar Cardiff... Salunya dia cycle from rumah to train station, amik tren g cardiff, and cycle g uni... Em.. Tak tau la kul bape dia bgn... And skang ble dah pregnant, dia tak leh cycle, si husband dia suro dia drive.. Dia akan bersalin time exam.. So, she'll be missing the final exam in April and all the placements in May.. Dia kena amik exam time resit period and buat placement during summer... It's gonna be a buzy summer for her....
And lagi sorang R, she's a single mom with 2 kids... She's very hardwoking and determination dia tinggi.. Ade smpai tahap, dia penah bawak anak dia masuk lecture.. Sebab time tu anak dia cuti kot and tak g skolah.. and tak de org nak jaga..
Dah tak larat nak type pjg2.. but the motif of my story is, kalo org mcm tu leh berjaya why can't we ?? haha.. Kalo diaorg leh divide time wisely nape kte tak leh ? em.. This is a reminder to everybody including myself.. Kalo diaorg leh g lecture ari2 and buat keje on time, kte pun bleh.. We just need to push ourselves harder.. and InsyaAllah we can do it.. Tabik spring la kat org2 yang mcm tu !! And you too bro if u read this post...
p/s : It's my day off arini.. SSC presentation dah siap ari rabu lg eventho deadline 24th.. Coz ade exam on 23rd... Now, i'm busy preparing for Data Interpretation and Analysis exam...
Ta ~
Yesterday, after lunch, ade 2 lectures on DGR.. Pasal pregnancy sume tu la.. For the first time, in the LT, I was surrounded dgn locals yang dah ade anak or tgh pregnant... Em, dekat blkg is the Mr. Dentist... Yes, he's a dentist... He's a qualified one.. We used to call him the MaxFac guy... Em, dia nak specilise... So, kena ade double degree.. And sembang2 la ngan dia.. He said medicine agak demanding compared to dentistry.. For him la.. I dont know about others.. Sebab dia kata kalo waktu dia amik dentistry dulu, tak de la byk lecture and assignment sgt.. byk bnda2 clinical and skills... But bila dia amik medic, mcm lecture ari2 and byk keje.. And he has a baby girl at home yang baru nak sethn next week.. Huhu... And at the same time, he's still working kat dental hosp as a dentist.. Fair enuf, he still needs the money.. haha.. Sgt2 gigih.. And time deadline essay aritu, dia tak dtg lecture pagi tu coz baru nak siapkan essay... heh... He has a valid reason to do that kot..
And dekat row depan ade Mrs. A... (nama dirahsiakan)... Dah kawen and now she's 7 months pregnant.. Dia ckp dia lg focus time lectures pasal pregnancy skang.. Ceh.. And mmg respect ah dia ni.. She lives somewhere luar Cardiff... Salunya dia cycle from rumah to train station, amik tren g cardiff, and cycle g uni... Em.. Tak tau la kul bape dia bgn... And skang ble dah pregnant, dia tak leh cycle, si husband dia suro dia drive.. Dia akan bersalin time exam.. So, she'll be missing the final exam in April and all the placements in May.. Dia kena amik exam time resit period and buat placement during summer... It's gonna be a buzy summer for her....
And lagi sorang R, she's a single mom with 2 kids... She's very hardwoking and determination dia tinggi.. Ade smpai tahap, dia penah bawak anak dia masuk lecture.. Sebab time tu anak dia cuti kot and tak g skolah.. and tak de org nak jaga..
Dah tak larat nak type pjg2.. but the motif of my story is, kalo org mcm tu leh berjaya why can't we ?? haha.. Kalo diaorg leh divide time wisely nape kte tak leh ? em.. This is a reminder to everybody including myself.. Kalo diaorg leh g lecture ari2 and buat keje on time, kte pun bleh.. We just need to push ourselves harder.. and InsyaAllah we can do it.. Tabik spring la kat org2 yang mcm tu !! And you too bro if u read this post...
p/s : It's my day off arini.. SSC presentation dah siap ari rabu lg eventho deadline 24th.. Coz ade exam on 23rd... Now, i'm busy preparing for Data Interpretation and Analysis exam...
Ta ~
Ada ape dengan Wollongong ??
My fav lecturer is moving to Australia.. He got this offer... Head of Deparment ape ntah... And the best part is, he's going to UOW...
When he first told our year that he's moving, the whole LT was not happy... (Agak melampau la the whole LT, but most of us..) Sume org mcm, awwhhhhh~ Huhuh....
He's a very understanding lecturer... em.. kdg2 pulun abiskan lecture awal, or dia gabungkan 2 lecture in 1 so that ktorg tak yah g uni the next morning utk dgr lecture dia.. heh... Kalo ktorg nak exam, dia akan wish all of us and kalo exam tu susah, dia akan upset skali and said sorry (eventho bukan dia yg wat paper tu).. heh...
And last year, we found out that he's actually our neighbour.. So, kalo jln pagi2 g uni akan jumpa dia... Tapi wat2 tak kenal.. haha...
But, he's no longer our lecturer.. Dia dalam proses nak pindah.. Not sure bila pun.. But, kalo dia tak pindah pun dia tak ajar ktorg dah.. Sebab dah nak clinical.. haha...
And now, I found my new fav lecturer... Hehe.. My frens who know me well, can tell it.. Haha... Bagus jugak kalo ade fav lecturer, tak ngantuk time lecture... hehe...
p/s : Ini bukan bermakna saya tak suka lecturer lain.. Overall ok je.. Sume mcm ok2 je. Ade yg best ade yg kureng..
Owh. motifnnya, nak ckp, he's a good lecturer, tapi nape dia pilih wollongong instead of cardiff ?? haha.... Sian junior2 nanti tak dpt dia dah... tak de dah org nak ajar pasal Bristol Stool Chart.... Pasal SH**... hehe...
terjawabkah soklanku angah ?
When he first told our year that he's moving, the whole LT was not happy... (Agak melampau la the whole LT, but most of us..) Sume org mcm, awwhhhhh~ Huhuh....
He's a very understanding lecturer... em.. kdg2 pulun abiskan lecture awal, or dia gabungkan 2 lecture in 1 so that ktorg tak yah g uni the next morning utk dgr lecture dia.. heh... Kalo ktorg nak exam, dia akan wish all of us and kalo exam tu susah, dia akan upset skali and said sorry (eventho bukan dia yg wat paper tu).. heh...
And last year, we found out that he's actually our neighbour.. So, kalo jln pagi2 g uni akan jumpa dia... Tapi wat2 tak kenal.. haha...
But, he's no longer our lecturer.. Dia dalam proses nak pindah.. Not sure bila pun.. But, kalo dia tak pindah pun dia tak ajar ktorg dah.. Sebab dah nak clinical.. haha...
And now, I found my new fav lecturer... Hehe.. My frens who know me well, can tell it.. Haha... Bagus jugak kalo ade fav lecturer, tak ngantuk time lecture... hehe...
p/s : Ini bukan bermakna saya tak suka lecturer lain.. Overall ok je.. Sume mcm ok2 je. Ade yg best ade yg kureng..
Owh. motifnnya, nak ckp, he's a good lecturer, tapi nape dia pilih wollongong instead of cardiff ?? haha.... Sian junior2 nanti tak dpt dia dah... tak de dah org nak ajar pasal Bristol Stool Chart.... Pasal SH**... hehe...
terjawabkah soklanku angah ?
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
25 random facts about me..
Banyak org tag pasal benda ni dekat Facebook.. Tapi prefer untuk tulis kat blog.. hehe... So, here they are !! In no particular order..
1. I only eat strawberry jam.. Yang buah lain tak suka...
2. I want a pink or purple Stethoscope, but sume org ckp Med student tak sesuai.. So, might have to get a Red one.. (Burgundy)
3. I'm not really a big fan of pink.. Actually suka purple.. Tapi susah nak dpt brg purple.. Salu end up beli barang colour pink.. haha..
4. Everyweek, ade 7 benda that I watch ; One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, ER, Holby City.. I think there are more.. Tp, tak ingat..
5. I love cooking and baking.. Kat rumah mcm kurang kot.. Tapi kalo kat UK ni rajin la...
6. Lately, I like reading novels..
7. I usually have choc in my handbag.. or at least a brunch bar...
8. I enjoy shopping.. haha..
9. I like living in Cardiff and I'm actually in love with this place...
10. I miss my friends esp yg from MRSM Lgkw and KMB...
11. Kalo crips I like cheese and onion...
12. Might end up being a GP or O&G..
13. I'm enjoying my 2nd year eventho sgt2 bz and stress..
14. Susah nak cari kasut... And at the moment tgh merana coz I need a new pair of black flat shoe... Hadoi... I love shoesss but they don't like me I think....
15. I have lotss of bags tho... Haha.. Baru perasan tadi pagi time nak siapkan bag utk g hosp..
16. I love colourful tops and tudungs... I like to shop for tudungsssss.... Em.. And byk org tegur that tudung2ku cantik and colourful.. Yelah, mat salleh mana pakai bnda2 yg colourful sgt kan..
17. I love toast with peanut butter and choc spread.. Campur dua2 skali.. SEDAP !!
18. I'm addicted to coffee now..
19. Ok.. the 19th fact ni hanya terjadi dekat UK sahaja.. I love cleaning and washing.. Haha.. Suka cuci dapur and basuh baju.. Kalo bleh, bakul laundry kena kosong sentiasa.. heh..
20. I don't like movies or novels yang memerlukan banyak imagination.. hehe.. I like something yang light.... (Because baca novels or tgk movie utk relax and release stress kan)
21. I tend to overthink most of the time..
22. Yes.. I'm quite emotional sometimes.. hehe..
23. I like to dress up and suka kumpul blink2 (jewelleries)...But sometimes I can be a VERY simple person...
24. I'm a prefectionist when it comes to work and susah nak mengalah.. hehe.. Even my lab partner kdg2 pening..
25. And I LOVE my family sooo much and missing them like crazy !!!!! Can't wait for 15th June... ~
I think there are more interesting stuffs about me but can't think about them at the moment...
1. I only eat strawberry jam.. Yang buah lain tak suka...
2. I want a pink or purple Stethoscope, but sume org ckp Med student tak sesuai.. So, might have to get a Red one.. (Burgundy)
3. I'm not really a big fan of pink.. Actually suka purple.. Tapi susah nak dpt brg purple.. Salu end up beli barang colour pink.. haha..
4. Everyweek, ade 7 benda that I watch ; One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, ER, Holby City.. I think there are more.. Tp, tak ingat..
5. I love cooking and baking.. Kat rumah mcm kurang kot.. Tapi kalo kat UK ni rajin la...
6. Lately, I like reading novels..
7. I usually have choc in my handbag.. or at least a brunch bar...
8. I enjoy shopping.. haha..
9. I like living in Cardiff and I'm actually in love with this place...
10. I miss my friends esp yg from MRSM Lgkw and KMB...
11. Kalo crips I like cheese and onion...
12. Might end up being a GP or O&G..
13. I'm enjoying my 2nd year eventho sgt2 bz and stress..
14. Susah nak cari kasut... And at the moment tgh merana coz I need a new pair of black flat shoe... Hadoi... I love shoesss but they don't like me I think....
15. I have lotss of bags tho... Haha.. Baru perasan tadi pagi time nak siapkan bag utk g hosp..
16. I love colourful tops and tudungs... I like to shop for tudungsssss.... Em.. And byk org tegur that tudung2ku cantik and colourful.. Yelah, mat salleh mana pakai bnda2 yg colourful sgt kan..
17. I love toast with peanut butter and choc spread.. Campur dua2 skali.. SEDAP !!
18. I'm addicted to coffee now..
19. Ok.. the 19th fact ni hanya terjadi dekat UK sahaja.. I love cleaning and washing.. Haha.. Suka cuci dapur and basuh baju.. Kalo bleh, bakul laundry kena kosong sentiasa.. heh..
20. I don't like movies or novels yang memerlukan banyak imagination.. hehe.. I like something yang light.... (Because baca novels or tgk movie utk relax and release stress kan)
21. I tend to overthink most of the time..
22. Yes.. I'm quite emotional sometimes.. hehe..
23. I like to dress up and suka kumpul blink2 (jewelleries)...But sometimes I can be a VERY simple person...
24. I'm a prefectionist when it comes to work and susah nak mengalah.. hehe.. Even my lab partner kdg2 pening..
25. And I LOVE my family sooo much and missing them like crazy !!!!! Can't wait for 15th June... ~
I think there are more interesting stuffs about me but can't think about them at the moment...
Again ~
Again.. Suka memalukan and memperbodohkan diri sendiri.. Bila nak matang ?? waaa... malu gle !!
Arrived in Clinic 3 for my SSC around 9.25a.m.. Ok.. On time.. In fact awal.. haha... Then, Dr. Bashi ajak masuk clinic dia.. Ok.. Perfect.. First patient came in, then tbe2 je niyah tersedak.. Sekali, dua kali.. tiga kali.. then, tak berenti2.. waaa... Rob who was sitting next to me mcm tgk semacam je ?? Then, I asked for a permission untuk kuar... Then, batuk macam nak tekeluaq anak tekak kat luar clinic tu.. Sampai mengalir air mata... Waa... Sume nurse mcm cuak.. Bagi air la, bg tisu la.. haha... Mcm niyah lak patient kat situ..
Then, masuk blk lepas patient tu dah kuar.. obviously.. then, duduk... Lepas 3 jam mcm tu, rasa mcm nak g toilet... waaaa.. Pastu Consultant tu mcm tak berenti berckp and patient byk gle.. Then, time consultant kuar, I told Rob nak kuar jap g toilet.. Then, he asked me to go now.. haha.. So, pegi toilet and after that tak masuk clinic sebab ada patient.. kena tunggu patient kuar baru leh masuk.. Sbb respect patient.. Sementara tunggu kat luar Clinic tu, ade la 2 patient yg mcm tanya2 ape med student buat kat dlm.. Will they asked ques ? Because patient ni mcm tak suka students.. haha.. Sebab dia kata students mcm suka byk tanya.. So, I was speechless and said... "Owh.. We are only 2nd years.. Wo wont asked questions... haha.. " And then dia tanya blk.. "Why are u here then ?? " Errrr.... "Observe ??" Hahaha
Ble masuk blk, cepat2 bgtau Rob kata next patient tak suka kena tanya.. But his case is the most interesting !! Waaaa... Geram !!!
Then.. Lunch time.. Lepas lunch nak g Seminar Room, time nak bgn from the chair, dgn clumsynya, tertolak kerusi tu smpai jatuh !! Satu concourse tgk !! Hadoi.. NOT MY DAY !! haha...
Seminar started at 2pm pasal Children with Haemoglobinopathies.. 6 of us in the room.. The paeds consultant agak muda and baik.. and the topic was soo interesting.. But I was tooo tired to stay alert.. Then, dok main2 pen.. Didn't realise that he was actually asking me a question.. Waaa... Dah lah tak dgr soklan.. Trus blur.. Satu bilik tgk.. Malu lagi !!! Dah ah soklan org2 lain senang.. but mine kena yg susah.. Pasal Blood test nye result.. Dia suro interpret result tu.. Waa... Mengantuk gle !!!
Then, he got this phone call pasal ade patient kena sickle crisis.. Sape nak tau ape sickle cell crisis tu, google la eh.. I'm a pro in this topic already (I wish).. haha... Then, dia cepat2 abiskan lecture tu and asked, do u want to see a patient ? YES !!!
So, berjalanlah kami ke Children's Hospital.. The consultant was not walking but he was flying !!! Dah ah kaki tgh sakit lagi.. Lari la ikut dia... Last2 kena tinggal gak... And nasib baik Rob slowed down and tunggu....
Haish.. Nak balik lak, tak jumpa jalan kuar from Children's Hosp.. So not my day !!! But the SSC was interesting.. Clinical nye SSC mmg la best.. haha..
-tada ~
Again.. Suka memalukan and memperbodohkan diri sendiri.. Bila nak matang ?? waaa... malu gle !!
Arrived in Clinic 3 for my SSC around 9.25a.m.. Ok.. On time.. In fact awal.. haha... Then, Dr. Bashi ajak masuk clinic dia.. Ok.. Perfect.. First patient came in, then tbe2 je niyah tersedak.. Sekali, dua kali.. tiga kali.. then, tak berenti2.. waaa... Rob who was sitting next to me mcm tgk semacam je ?? Then, I asked for a permission untuk kuar... Then, batuk macam nak tekeluaq anak tekak kat luar clinic tu.. Sampai mengalir air mata... Waa... Sume nurse mcm cuak.. Bagi air la, bg tisu la.. haha... Mcm niyah lak patient kat situ..
Then, masuk blk lepas patient tu dah kuar.. obviously.. then, duduk... Lepas 3 jam mcm tu, rasa mcm nak g toilet... waaaa.. Pastu Consultant tu mcm tak berenti berckp and patient byk gle.. Then, time consultant kuar, I told Rob nak kuar jap g toilet.. Then, he asked me to go now.. haha.. So, pegi toilet and after that tak masuk clinic sebab ada patient.. kena tunggu patient kuar baru leh masuk.. Sbb respect patient.. Sementara tunggu kat luar Clinic tu, ade la 2 patient yg mcm tanya2 ape med student buat kat dlm.. Will they asked ques ? Because patient ni mcm tak suka students.. haha.. Sebab dia kata students mcm suka byk tanya.. So, I was speechless and said... "Owh.. We are only 2nd years.. Wo wont asked questions... haha.. " And then dia tanya blk.. "Why are u here then ?? " Errrr.... "Observe ??" Hahaha
Ble masuk blk, cepat2 bgtau Rob kata next patient tak suka kena tanya.. But his case is the most interesting !! Waaaa... Geram !!!
Then.. Lunch time.. Lepas lunch nak g Seminar Room, time nak bgn from the chair, dgn clumsynya, tertolak kerusi tu smpai jatuh !! Satu concourse tgk !! Hadoi.. NOT MY DAY !! haha...
Seminar started at 2pm pasal Children with Haemoglobinopathies.. 6 of us in the room.. The paeds consultant agak muda and baik.. and the topic was soo interesting.. But I was tooo tired to stay alert.. Then, dok main2 pen.. Didn't realise that he was actually asking me a question.. Waaa... Dah lah tak dgr soklan.. Trus blur.. Satu bilik tgk.. Malu lagi !!! Dah ah soklan org2 lain senang.. but mine kena yg susah.. Pasal Blood test nye result.. Dia suro interpret result tu.. Waa... Mengantuk gle !!!
Then, he got this phone call pasal ade patient kena sickle crisis.. Sape nak tau ape sickle cell crisis tu, google la eh.. I'm a pro in this topic already (I wish).. haha... Then, dia cepat2 abiskan lecture tu and asked, do u want to see a patient ? YES !!!
So, berjalanlah kami ke Children's Hospital.. The consultant was not walking but he was flying !!! Dah ah kaki tgh sakit lagi.. Lari la ikut dia... Last2 kena tinggal gak... And nasib baik Rob slowed down and tunggu....
Haish.. Nak balik lak, tak jumpa jalan kuar from Children's Hosp.. So not my day !!! But the SSC was interesting.. Clinical nye SSC mmg la best.. haha..
-tada ~
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Summer !
People at home !! This coming August tak yah bukak posa kat KLIA dah.. I'm flying back to Cardiff naik flight siang.. huhu.... That's the cheapest that I can get.. huhu..
Can't wait for SUMMER !! But have to work hard and make sure pass 2nd year.. Ameen..Doakan eh ~ :D
Can't wait for SUMMER !! But have to work hard and make sure pass 2nd year.. Ameen..Doakan eh ~ :D
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Oh Dear !!
Berenang la balik Msia..
I checked the ticket 2 days ago and the price was GBP 620... And decided to wait till today coz nak tunggu result anat... Tgk2 td ticket dah jadi GBP 750.. Apakah ?? Baru ingat nak click BUY malam ni..
Oh dear.... I'm sooo not happy !!!
I checked the ticket 2 days ago and the price was GBP 620... And decided to wait till today coz nak tunggu result anat... Tgk2 td ticket dah jadi GBP 750.. Apakah ?? Baru ingat nak click BUY malam ni..
Oh dear.... I'm sooo not happy !!!
It was a good day ~
Yesterday I published a post about not wanting today to come.. But, it turned out the other way round ~ Yeay.. Alhamdulillah.. Firstly, I passed my anatomy exam.. InsyaAllah no more anat ~
So, this moring we left the house quite early coz it was snowing outside.. Takut smpai Heath lmbt, jd ktorg pun kuar la awal... Snow turun dengan mancurah2.. huhu.. And we were quite 'wet' ble smpai heath.. The LT was empty.. Ingatkan cancel ke ape.. We went in, and then makin ramai org smpai... We waited for almost 15 mins, then somebody came in and said the 1st lecture is cancelled... Yippeeee !!!
So, sume excited and ajak g main snow.. haha.. Mesti sume org yang kat hospital ari ni tekejut tgk a bunch of crazy med students main snow.. Mula2 main depat med school je.. then makin jauh.. sebab snow abis kat tmpt tu, so we went to this one big field belakang hosp.. hehe.. Serius sume org tekejut... hehe.. but we had fun... Snow ball fight and buat snow man.. Dah ah ade our year nye rugby players skali.. abis diaorg hancurkan snow man ktorg.. hehe...
Bersyukur sgt2... Coz aritu tak sempat main snow coz ade SSC.. Allah gave me snow today ! Yeay ~ Enjoy the pics...




So, this moring we left the house quite early coz it was snowing outside.. Takut smpai Heath lmbt, jd ktorg pun kuar la awal... Snow turun dengan mancurah2.. huhu.. And we were quite 'wet' ble smpai heath.. The LT was empty.. Ingatkan cancel ke ape.. We went in, and then makin ramai org smpai... We waited for almost 15 mins, then somebody came in and said the 1st lecture is cancelled... Yippeeee !!!
So, sume excited and ajak g main snow.. haha.. Mesti sume org yang kat hospital ari ni tekejut tgk a bunch of crazy med students main snow.. Mula2 main depat med school je.. then makin jauh.. sebab snow abis kat tmpt tu, so we went to this one big field belakang hosp.. hehe.. Serius sume org tekejut... hehe.. but we had fun... Snow ball fight and buat snow man.. Dah ah ade our year nye rugby players skali.. abis diaorg hancurkan snow man ktorg.. hehe...
Bersyukur sgt2... Coz aritu tak sempat main snow coz ade SSC.. Allah gave me snow today ! Yeay ~ Enjoy the pics...
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Yesterday.. All my troubles seem to far away !!
I dont want tomorrow to come !!!
7 hours of lectures.. 9-5, one hour lunch break (1-2) and H&N results.. At the moment, I feel sooo sick !! The only time yang leh check result is during the lunch break and I'm sure half of medics akan serbu comp room utk check result.. Huhu.. It's on facebook.. Sume tgh kerisauan ~
Sume org mcm excited nak tunggu esok.. But not me !!! Forecast ckp malam ni and esok snow tebal.. haha.. Again, i'm gonna miss it.. I missed the snow on Tuesday because ade SSC... Was being a good girl... And tomorrow ade lecture the whole day, tak leh main snow jugak.. Takpe, kalo ade rezeki, ade la (Sedapkan hati).... hehe...
Ya Allah, berilah kejayaan cemerlang kepada kami Medics 2nd year.. Ameen ~ *Pray for us people.. It's our final anat result... *
Cuaks yang melampau....
7 hours of lectures.. 9-5, one hour lunch break (1-2) and H&N results.. At the moment, I feel sooo sick !! The only time yang leh check result is during the lunch break and I'm sure half of medics akan serbu comp room utk check result.. Huhu.. It's on facebook.. Sume tgh kerisauan ~
Sume org mcm excited nak tunggu esok.. But not me !!! Forecast ckp malam ni and esok snow tebal.. haha.. Again, i'm gonna miss it.. I missed the snow on Tuesday because ade SSC... Was being a good girl... And tomorrow ade lecture the whole day, tak leh main snow jugak.. Takpe, kalo ade rezeki, ade la (Sedapkan hati).... hehe...
Ya Allah, berilah kejayaan cemerlang kepada kami Medics 2nd year.. Ameen ~ *Pray for us people.. It's our final anat result... *
Cuaks yang melampau....
Monday, 2 February 2009
Finally ~
I'll post some pics later.. Yeay !! Penantian berakhir.. 'Bedak Tumpah' dengan lebatnye di Cardiff !!
Alhandulillah... SNOW !! yeay... Hopefully akan stay smpai esok pagi.. hehe...
Tada ~
p/s : Mama and Abah.. have fun holidaying !! I'm sure it's freezing cold there and lg best snow kat sana !! Muahssss ~
Alhandulillah... SNOW !! yeay... Hopefully akan stay smpai esok pagi.. hehe...
Tada ~
p/s : Mama and Abah.. have fun holidaying !! I'm sure it's freezing cold there and lg best snow kat sana !! Muahssss ~
Malang tidak berbau ~
I'm still in pain now.. Can hardly walk... Ceritanye bermula begini....
Turun tangga rumah dekat penuh "berhati-hati"... Then, fikiran stat melayang2.. haha.. sedar2 je dah ade kat atas carpet... Waa... Yup.. I missed 2/3 steps... Ble jatuh tu mcm bengong sebentar and rasa kaki berdenyut2... huhu... Tbe2 lutut pedih.. check2 lutut dah bercalar... and darah sket2.. tu tak pe lg.. try berdiri.. owh.. ok, leh berdiri... so, ligat la berjalan ke sana- sini.. buat laundry sume.. Then, pegi town antar angah....
Balik from town !!! Duduk depan pc.. then I realised that my ankle agak swollen.. Then, berdiri nak g bilik housemate, jalan sket je dah sakit.. Memerlukan bantuan dinding untuk jalan.. waaa.. time tu rasa nak nangis je.. Was in PAIN !! Then Jen and Megan suro buat RICE (based on Prof Benjamin's lecture pasal injury) R= rest, I= Ice, C= compression and E= elevation...
Ikut la nasihat housemate2 medics ni... Well, due to inflammation, swelling tu membesar... They suggested that I go to A&E.. But I said NO !! Took a pain killer, and went to bed... and at the same time asyik dok pk mcm mane nak jalan g uni esok (Monday la)... dah ah nak kena jalan 20 min g uni....
So, this morning, I left the house early... kul 10 dah kuar sedangkan lecture kul 11... hehe... I took 35 mins to walk down to BIOSI.. Bangga jugak la.. huhu.... Submitted my essay and then g lecturesss... Alhamdulillah kaki dah makin ok.. But for the first time, balik lecture naik bas !! Sebab tak larat nak jalan plus Megan and Jen said they are planning to leave me behind.. Purposely... sebab nak suro naik bas... haha...
Hopefully kaki akan ok esok.. course nak jalan g Heath Hosp for SSC.. huhu...
-niyah yang clumsy-
Turun tangga rumah dekat penuh "berhati-hati"... Then, fikiran stat melayang2.. haha.. sedar2 je dah ade kat atas carpet... Waa... Yup.. I missed 2/3 steps... Ble jatuh tu mcm bengong sebentar and rasa kaki berdenyut2... huhu... Tbe2 lutut pedih.. check2 lutut dah bercalar... and darah sket2.. tu tak pe lg.. try berdiri.. owh.. ok, leh berdiri... so, ligat la berjalan ke sana- sini.. buat laundry sume.. Then, pegi town antar angah....
Balik from town !!! Duduk depan pc.. then I realised that my ankle agak swollen.. Then, berdiri nak g bilik housemate, jalan sket je dah sakit.. Memerlukan bantuan dinding untuk jalan.. waaa.. time tu rasa nak nangis je.. Was in PAIN !! Then Jen and Megan suro buat RICE (based on Prof Benjamin's lecture pasal injury) R= rest, I= Ice, C= compression and E= elevation...
Ikut la nasihat housemate2 medics ni... Well, due to inflammation, swelling tu membesar... They suggested that I go to A&E.. But I said NO !! Took a pain killer, and went to bed... and at the same time asyik dok pk mcm mane nak jalan g uni esok (Monday la)... dah ah nak kena jalan 20 min g uni....
So, this morning, I left the house early... kul 10 dah kuar sedangkan lecture kul 11... hehe... I took 35 mins to walk down to BIOSI.. Bangga jugak la.. huhu.... Submitted my essay and then g lecturesss... Alhamdulillah kaki dah makin ok.. But for the first time, balik lecture naik bas !! Sebab tak larat nak jalan plus Megan and Jen said they are planning to leave me behind.. Purposely... sebab nak suro naik bas... haha...
Hopefully kaki akan ok esok.. course nak jalan g Heath Hosp for SSC.. huhu...
-niyah yang clumsy-
Weekend yang G**** :D
Last weekend angah dtg Cardiff.. She arrived dalam kul 10.30 mlm.. I went to the Central Station to pick her up.. Saturday night and ade diversion kat St. Mary Street.. Dah lama diversion ni.. So, bus berenti kat belakang St. Mary Street yang sepanjang2 jalan tu dipenuhi dengan Clubs and Bars... Cuak gle time jalan sorang2 course banyak gle manusia yang sudah stat menjerit2.. Dalam hati menyesal tak ajak housemate teman.. haha.. Jalan laju sgt2... And angah arrived few mins earlier than scheduled.. So, we managed to catch the 10.30 bus utk blk rumah.. kalo tak kena tunggu sampai kul 11... hehe.. Well, all we did sepjg dua hari was makan, tgk dvd, baca novel and tido..
Saturday :
8.00 a.m : Nasi impit and kuah kacang sambil menonton Dancing on Ice Series 2 nye DVD..
11.00 a.m : Masak nasi beriyani and kari ayam for lunch.. Selesai masak, berlepak2 di bilik.. baca novel, tgk cerita kat youtube..
1.00 p.m : Lunch.. yeay !! nasi beriyani !! Nyum2.. Plan asal lepas lunch nak g ikea.. tp tak jadi sebab malas.. ye la.. perut dah penuh kan.. hehe....
4.00 p.m : Masak bubur pulut hitam for tea....
5.30 p.m : Makan pulut hitam sambil tgk wipeout challenge... hehe...
7.30 p.m : Dinner - Nasi briyani again....
9.30 p.m : Tido !!!
-and setiap intervals tu dipenuhi dengan choc chip cookies yang angah bake.. hahaha.. abiskan satu bekas in 2 days.. wowww !!!
Sunday :
8.30 a.m : Makan toast and cereal.. hehe.. dah kurang melayu sket.. Makan sambil tgk Just Married... Then I made samosa untuk kanda tersayang.. cewah.... gedsss...
11.00 a.m : Masak kueh teow goreng for lunch and utk angah bawak balik...
12.30 p.m : Makan, packed angah's food....
1.15 p.m : Gi town, jalan2 kejap.. then dapat cookies lagi !! Millies cookies... G*M*K nye rasa !!!
3.00 p.m : Angah balik.. waaa :(
Had a great weekend !! Thanx angah for the cookies yang angah buat and beli.. hehe.. Silalah ke gym eh lepas ni....
p/s : dah abis baca novel yang angah bawak.. sampai termimpi2.. haha...
Saturday :
8.00 a.m : Nasi impit and kuah kacang sambil menonton Dancing on Ice Series 2 nye DVD..
11.00 a.m : Masak nasi beriyani and kari ayam for lunch.. Selesai masak, berlepak2 di bilik.. baca novel, tgk cerita kat youtube..
1.00 p.m : Lunch.. yeay !! nasi beriyani !! Nyum2.. Plan asal lepas lunch nak g ikea.. tp tak jadi sebab malas.. ye la.. perut dah penuh kan.. hehe....
4.00 p.m : Masak bubur pulut hitam for tea....
5.30 p.m : Makan pulut hitam sambil tgk wipeout challenge... hehe...
7.30 p.m : Dinner - Nasi briyani again....
9.30 p.m : Tido !!!
-and setiap intervals tu dipenuhi dengan choc chip cookies yang angah bake.. hahaha.. abiskan satu bekas in 2 days.. wowww !!!
Sunday :
8.30 a.m : Makan toast and cereal.. hehe.. dah kurang melayu sket.. Makan sambil tgk Just Married... Then I made samosa untuk kanda tersayang.. cewah.... gedsss...
11.00 a.m : Masak kueh teow goreng for lunch and utk angah bawak balik...
12.30 p.m : Makan, packed angah's food....
1.15 p.m : Gi town, jalan2 kejap.. then dapat cookies lagi !! Millies cookies... G*M*K nye rasa !!!
3.00 p.m : Angah balik.. waaa :(
Had a great weekend !! Thanx angah for the cookies yang angah buat and beli.. hehe.. Silalah ke gym eh lepas ni....
p/s : dah abis baca novel yang angah bawak.. sampai termimpi2.. haha...
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