Sunday, 23 October 2011

Cooking skills

Since I came to the UK, my cooking skill has improved tremendously.. not to mention other skills la obviously.. Alhamdulillah..

And since I moved into Malefant Street, the girls have been requesting lots of food.. Not only I can cook now, but can also cook for a big group..

Yesterday, a friend invited us to their potluck housewarming.. so, we decided to make ayam masak merah and nasi minyak.. waalllaaaaa ! A chicken and a half worth of ayam masak merah.. Now, I'm drooling for more.. Because obviously, tak de la pulun makan dekat rumah org.. hehe

The day before I made a whole periuk of kuey teow gorang for Lauren as she requested for it.. Haish.. I was really good during the week trying to have healthy diet... and exercise because I want to lose weight so badly.. Susah betul la nak kurus mcm ni.. :(

Now, they want nasi lemak !!!! Help me !

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