Wednesday, 26 October 2011


I presented my SCP today..

Obviously I didn't win the prize. But, it was a good experience.

But I want think I want to stress here, the presentation was optional. I didn't want to do it in the first place but my tutor suggested that I should. However, some people out there should know that it took a lot of courage for people like us to do it in front of consultant and other students.

People like us here I meant by students studying abroad as English is not the first language. Because trying to present in English is quite hard and you can feel that you tongue was twisting when you tried to squeeze every single information into 10 minutes worth of presentation.

It's fine if you have to present in front of other fellow Malaysians as we would have had similar background. But it can be very intimidating when you have to speak in front of people who didn't even have to practise theirs speech.

I had to spend 2 days to kind of like memorize my text.. and Alhamdulillah it went well.. but then, answering questions were tough especially when people started to criticise your work..Or for me, my baby.. I have been treating my project like a baby I supposed.. :)

It's done now.. And will finalise my write up tomorrow... deadline is on Friday but I just want to submit it tomorrow and get it done with..

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