Tak tau asal... rasa nak marah sgt2 ari ni...
My camera has been broken since Winter holidays aritu... so, dah hantar repair kat olympus.. sah2 la kena bayar postage sendiri plus insurance sume...
And got it back after 3 weeks.. and got worse... still stuck and at the same time the screen has gone bonkers... so, i rang olympus again.. it's 0800 number tau.. so, mahal gels kalo call guna hp... and they said they'll send me a prepaid postage box la.. And waited for like 4 days baru smpai...
Then, ble dah smpai ok la.. it's DHL nye service.. so, had to ring DHL mintak arrange date for collection... and they asked for password ect.. and I don't have the bloody password.. so, abis duit and time call sana sini.. olympus suro call dhl.. dhl suro call olympus... and then olympus arrangekan for dhl to come today.. So, I quickly came back early la kan.. last week they came at 3-ish.. And today, dtg kul 10 PAGI !! So, I missed them...
Rang DHL blk,, and they said cannot rearranged because they need the account number... And I said tak de la.. sbb olympus yg buatkan.. and rang olympus and they said they'll ring me back.. and olympus tak tepon blk after 2 hours.. so, rang them back and they said they'll try and rearrange for tomorrow.. HELO PAK CIK.. SAYA KENA PEGI PLACEMENT OK.. BUKAN NYE NAK KENA DOK RUMAH TUNGGU DHL DTG....
Not helping at all sebab DHL tak de mcm specific time.. leh ckp 9-5 je.. ek eleh.. sah2 org keje 9-5... geram !!!!! And I said what should I do next.. dah byk duit abis call sana sini.. kalo tau, dr awal hantar guna royal mail je sbb sah2 dah leh cover cost tepon sana sini tu...
and I said, try to rearrange for Wednesday la.. sbb Wednesday abis dlm lunch time kot.. kalo dpt dpt la.. kalo tak, hantar la sendiri guna royal mail...
Geram sgt2 ok.. check phone bill dah naik lebih GBP 30... haish !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boleh beli camera baru lg...
So, emo and stress and marah.. tak tau asal marah sgt.. maybe sbb dah lama tak leh guna camera... dah ah mmg suka amik gmbr.. dah byk event gmbr tak diambil... hurm.. owh well...
So, ended up tdo selama sejam.. dah bgn baru start buat dermatology... and tak dinner sbb malas nak pikir nak mkn apa.. geram punya pasal...
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