Since Wany and Nad wanted to go to Belfast for Boxing Day, so thr 4 of us took the morning bus to Belfast....
Waiting for the bus ~
Being a good girl... tak beli ape2 pun kat Belfast... Sebab tak check in luggage.. Plus, tak rasa nak shopping sgt... But I admitted they have more shops compared to Cardiff la...
And the next day, I took the 10.45 flight back to Bristol... Ni pun drama... Coz, no direct trains from Bristol Temple Meads to Cardiff sebab ade engineering work... So, I had to take the train to Bristol Parkway, then bus from Bristol Parkway to Newport and finally train from Newport to Cardiff....
Dah la train to Parkway tak frequent.. Tunggu sejam kot... Then smpai Bristol Parkway, berjuta kot org yg nak naik bus g Newport... dah la mmg ramai org travel.. plus sume org ada luggage byk2... sapa kata MatSalleh berdisiplin ?? Sume berebut gak naik bus... siap potong2 line lg... But sbb dah penat and malas nak layan.. tunggu je la dgn sabar... And dpt la naik bus ke-6 kot.. haha....
Then lepas je Severn Bridge, jam teruk nak masuk Wales dekat toll.... Lizzie and Lauren dah berjuta kali text tanya nak smpai kul bape.. and I told them the story.. Lauren drove to Newport to pick me up and saved me some time having to wait for the next train.. Thanx Lauren.. Smpai rumah dha kul 4.30 ptg... Letih... But had sooo much fun with my frens in Ireland.. Thanx to Mimah, Mun n Nana for being great hosts.....
p/s : Gambar byk kat facebook untuk kaum kerabat yg rasa nak tgk... heheheh...
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