It's the first week of placement and i'm quite lucky because my 1st block is GPMED.. Which is a combination of general practice (4 weeks) and Intergrative medicine (4 weeks)... And my 1st 2 weeks are quite easy peasy and light.. Had clinical skills (basically belajar suturing and stuff), followed by profesionalism and diversity seminar and comm skills the next day...
To my fellow friends, just wanna break the news here yg comm skills tu yg recorded nye version... eventho korang mcm dah tau kot.. muahahaha... Basically, they'll record u in action while taking a history from the 'fake' patient... And it's individually this time around.. We were the 1st group to get this done.. Not a good start tho after 3 months of summer break i.e no history taking.. The funny thing was, we were sort of like b***hing about the lady yg salu jd patient during comm skills and salu belakon dlm videos for lectures... She used to act as a patient with headache la, depression la and mcm2 lagi.. kutuk punya kutuk, i got her as my patient.. when she walked into the room i was sort of like laughing.. hadoi.. masuk video kak oi... Then dah habis, jenny was like giving me "u got her" face... waaaaa...
But, that was kind of allright.. our tutor is a GP and he's quite nice... Then today, the 24th we had our first visit to our Honorary Lecturer's practice which is in Splott... Jenny drove us there (4 of us).. The ugly part was that I had to wake up at 6 in the morning and left the house at 7.25am cause she lives in Mackintosh Place... JAUH !! Elok smpai her place, I was already sweating eventho mcm agak sejuk ke pg td.... We got lost on our way there.. Luckily Jess has a phone with a GPS... haha...
Not really happy with the session tho.. Asyik kena hentam je !!! He just lovessss to ask us questions.. and my favourite word of the day is Autonomy... Basically asyik kena hentam pasal ethical issues... hadoi2... I did read the GMC and the article that he gave us but benda2 tu mcm tak lekat dlm otak.... And blaja guna auroscopy (check ear tuh) and belaja breast examination... I didn't really know about the anatomy of the ear tho.. so kantoi for the 2nd time.. GOOD JOB husniyah !!!
Hadoi..... stress !!! And balik2 nak masak lasagna, terpotong jari sendiri time potong carrot... apakah ? and the finger is still bleeding after 3 hours.. i'm sure i dont have any clotting issues !! Oh well... it's just not a good day... But esok is my day off !! yeay !!!
p/s : Have to do my preparation lg hebat2 for next week's session so kurangkan hentaman.... But i'm quite glad that he knows my name and hafal my name already and sort of sebut it betul... finally ade gak org yg reti sebut...
p/s : Along, do u remember i told u that niyah sgt2 takut nak start placement... it's haunting me now.... I'm sure my groupmates blk rumah and bgtau housemate diaorg yg niyah sgt2 teruk... (geleng kepala) !!
Sorry la this post sgt2 panjang... i wish i can call home and talk to people at home... missing home soooo badly esp ble tgh stress and rasa nak tukaq course amik baking or smthng...
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