Salam wbt....
To those that saw my YM's status last night saying that "Esok exam!!" would know that I had an exam today....
But, it's not a real exam.. It was partially real... haha.... It's called FORMATIVE EXAM which sort of like a trial exam for us the 2nd years before our final exam in April....
For this April's exams, we'll have 2 papers. Paper A will consists of 4 subject panels (DGR, I&I, CVR and MDTA) while another 5 panel in paper B (Alimentary, HiS, Musculoskeletal, Neuroscience and Homeostasis).... Well, well.... The med school is trying to prove the fact that our course is actually an intergrated course by combining few panels in one paper... And our seniors made it last year so, they are expecting us to be able to pass this exam as well....
So, some students or I should say previous students suggested that the school should publish sample exam questions as we don't know what to expect from this exam.... Like how the questions are gonna be and the formta and etc... So, that's the reason we had this formative exam today....
Well... Since it was just a trial exam and peer marking (which will be done on the 12th mf March), I didn't revise at all for this exam.. What I did last night was updating my Alimentary notes and printing out stuffs from Blackboard.. At least I did something ~ hehe....
So, I went to Biosi without any preparation and my main purpose of going there is just to see the papers and test myself a bit.... Well, most of us were there to basically see how much stuff we need to know !!! Like the details and etc....
And guess what !!! THE EXAM WAS A JOKE !!!!!! When we got there, Dr. Savage told us the general rules of exam... Then she gave us the papers... Then she told us not to be worried if u failed this exam as u still have time to revise... And she even said, u might even get 0% for this FORMATIVE paper, but that shouldn't be a problem... So yeah.. And Lucinda asked whether we can leave the hall early or not.. And she said "If u wanna leave early, make sure u sit at the side"... haha.. Don't worry L, we are planning to leave early..
So, yeah... We started the exam at 9am. As soon as she said we can start, I turned to the next page.... Ya Allah... The first page was about drugs... Specific names.... And the exam was not like an exam as the whole LT laughed as soon as they saw the first page... HAHAHAHAHAHA.... Fuh... Berpeluh besar... What ???? Ok2.. Cool down... Then I went tru all the questions without answering most of them.... Then, I tried to answer as many questions as I could....
Well, here are some stuffs that I remembered from the exam :
1 ) Have to know the drugs and how they work
2) The bacteriasssssss, their name, what diseases thay caused, and their mode of transmission
3 ) Viral infections.. Mode of infections, and examples
4 ) Lots of pathways for I&I...
5) Wound healing
6) Abnormalities in newborns.... Due to incomplete growth and development
7) Antibiotics - their names and how they work....
8) Necrosis ?? Lots of questions for necrosis.. No idea why....
9) Inflammation
10) COMPLEMENT PATHWAY ?? 10 marks lak tu.. And I left the question...
So, yeah... Byk lg benda yang tak tau.. Waaaa.... And about 6 weeks to go ???
So, Dr. Savage left the LT at about 9.45 and Dr. Allen came in.. He typed something on the powerpoint slide... Something like this..
NO STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO LEAVE (sampai je this part, we were like.. What ?? Waaa)
So, we submitted our paper and left.. about 90% of students in my LT (ade 3 venues btw) left at about 9.50am..and I think the rest left exactly before 10am....
So, yes !!! We laughed after the exam !! Because we realised that how hard we need to work after this.. Luckily today's exam was just a trial.. If it's a real one, I'll end up crying throughout the exam.... Yes.. Call me a nerd or watever.... But I want to pass sooo badly.... I'm here to study and I'm using rakyat's money for my education.. So, I have to use it wisely... Fiuh....
I'll finish up my FCS as soon as possible, and start my revision.. Ya Allah bantulah kami... Berilah kami kekuatan.. ameen...
Today's exam was sort of like an alarm or a wake up call for us... Thank you Allah.... I'm glad that I went to the exam eventho it was an optional one.....
May Allah bless us always....
Tada ~
-niyah yang nak kena jadi rajin-