Tuesday, 27 September 2011

No title

 I can find 1,724 742 things to do other than medicine.. Which includes :
  • Party organiser
  • Cleaner
  • Jual ice cream
  • Just entertain people everyday - cooking
  • Full time housewife - if I have a husband 
  • Librarian
  • Tukang jahit labuci
  • Baby sitter
  • and the list continues... includes jadi mak datin
But here I am.. still doing medicine... my housemates said "You have survived 4 years, another year won't kill u, and u'll be fine!"

I don't know.. but what I can say is that maybe the tolerance level has decreased since 4 years ago.. maybe the motivation is not as high anymore.. or maybe because I'm just homesick...

ARGH !!!!!

Monday, 26 September 2011

The day we decided to cook A LOT !

So, we finally organised our house warming.. And we cooked a lot.. Because we were expecting up to 50 guests.. Well, cardiff is definitely growing in terms of the number of Malaysians.. :)

Busy kitchen.. We wish we have a bigger one
Nasi ayam stuff
Chicken dumplings, kuih ketayap, popia
Left : Kek batik, bihun goreng, cornflakes madu
The two birthday girls.. Nana and Ainol with their ice cream cake
The homies - Nana, Meena, Ainol and me

So, we didn't actually invite everybody.. because if not it will definitely be bigger.. Alhamdulillah it went well.. But then, we wish we have a bigger house ! ;)

Conclusion of the day : Semua anak dara Malefant dah boleh kawen.. Masak mcm nak gle.. Definitely didn't get our beauty sleep last weekend.. As if we need any la kan sebab sume dah cantik.. hehe

Owh.. so what I made ? I made cornflakes madu, kek batik, ketayap and bihun goreng.. and the kicap for nasi ayam.. 

Friday, 23 September 2011


Phew.. Just finished wiping my tears !

A lot of things happened this week.. And I am now ill.. Got fever + runny nose and sore throat !

And cried really badly while watching grey's anatomy today.. haha.. DRAMA QUEEN siot.. hehe..

Ok... need to go and shower now..

Monday, 19 September 2011

Project ;)

Geleng kepala sejuta kali..
Sepatutnya buat final year project.. Tapi project ni yang dibuat.. kemas tudung.. Serius byk gleeeee tudung... Sampai nak cr pun susah..

Tudung yang belum dikemas.. More than 50 I think..

Serabut tgk !

Konon dah siap la.. tapi tgk la berapa lama leh bertahan.. confirm tunggang langgang balik lepas ni... Kiri - tudung plan.. Kanan - tudung bercorak..

My main problem is that byk je tudung yang tak pakai and tak de matching baju pun.. but always rasa ada attitude "just in case" ! Kot2 la beli baju baru ker.. or anything like that.. nanti terkial nak cr tudung kan.. hehehe... 

Ok.. now back to my main project ! Trying to get a degree !!!!!!!!!

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Cupcakes !

We, the malefant girls plus shakira and ainaa went out for tea and cakes ! Sorry couldn't upload more pics sebab byk dlm iphone ainaa..

p/s : that's the reason why we went to the gym yesterday and maybe zumba later !

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Friday, 16 September 2011

Mari beramal

Tajuk tak leh belah.. But I just want to share a link.. about Cardiff Medics who will be climbing the 3 peaks for charity.. For more info, please check out this website.. And sape2 yang ade rezeki or duit lebih tu, boleh la menderma.. Kalau tak byk pun, sikit.. Esp yang duduk kat UK and duit berpounds tu..


Good luck to all my friends !


Monday, 12 September 2011

Random cookage !

Randomly cooked for the homies... Did not manage to take pictures of other food that I made..
But I need to stop enjoying myself in the kitchen and start doing my project :)

Kuih sarang semut

Lasagna and corn..      

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Dengan dukacitanya, dimaklumkan.. Tgn kiri saya melecur kena wap panas from kettle.. Muahaha.. Drama queen ! But mmg kebodohan sungguh.. Air tgh mendidih, pandai2 pulak lalukan tangan kat atas tu.. Thought that it won't hurt.. But hell no.. It's quite painful now.. Few hours after !

P/S : dlm gmbr tak nmpk plak merah tu..

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Monday, 5 September 2011

BBQ at Nina's

 Since we won't be seeing each other after this anymore, Nina decided to host an indoor BBQ at her home.. in Bristol..

Enjoy the pics.. I had a great time and it was good for me to get out from this house and feel miserable about being back in the UK :)

In the kitchen.. Such a lovely home

Thanks to angah for the anak tudung..

Nyummy cake

Thinking about.. I wish I own this place.. lol
Pavlova.. Homemade by nina's mum..
Dinner table..
Should be starting my project this week but my tutor e-mailed and said he won't be around this week due to family emergency.. So, will only be starting on Thursday/Friday..

p/s : I should actually be doing background reading.. hehe

What I did last summer ?

Not much.. but enough to say that I had a great time.. I'm thankful that I have such an amazing family.. I always spend my holidays with the family.. Simply because I usually spend about 10 months a year with friends.. So, SUMMER = FAMILY.. 
Here are just a bit of summary of what we did.. :)

Girls day out..
With Amira ! yeay

And the best birthday ever.. Thanks Along and Angah..

Day out with cousins

Nando's and bowling with the anak mamis

Ans as usual.. jahit labuci.. but tak amik sume gambar, so just a few.. 

My baju pahang

Angah's baju batik

Angah's baju pahang

My baju.. habiskan manik yang ada.. saki baki

Made kuih raya.. Semperit and badam

Ok.. dah malas nak tulis.. I LOVE MY FAMILY ! (mode homesick bermula)

Finally ~

Sorry for the lack of updates.. Obviously I was home for a month.. and decided that there's no point of updating it as the reason why I have a blog is for my family.. and there were in front of me for 4 weeks.. So, instead of blogging, I decided to spend my time doing something else.. :)

