Started MMIC placement last Monday after a week of lectures/workshops.. Arrived in Monmouth on Monday morning.. And then was taken to the GP's house at lunch time.. So, here's my room for the next 6 1/2 weeks.. not really full 6 1/2 weeks because will be going back to CF on most weekends !
Quite basic room.. no study table.. So, have to work on my bed.. and when I start working on the bed it basically means zzzzzzzz... Sharing the bathroom with the nanny..
Overall, I'm still feeling a bit odd... Staying with random family is quite difficult.. People can just easily say that I should just grow up and deal with it.. But it's a big thing for me.. Was basically in tears on Monday.. but things get better.. starting to get into a routine.. and have to compromise a lot.. hehe.. And because I'm quite shy to ask for anything, so, I don't have breakfasts.. Starting next week, I will buy cereal bars or something and keep it for breakfast..
Have dinner with the family.. but then, I just feel weird ! Don't know how to behave ect.. I don't know.. maybe I should just slap myself.. !
To be honest, this post can be very very very long.. but I might have to stop here.. will keep on updating it.. as I have no friends to talk to, so blog might be the next option..
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